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Der The Way Out Is In Podcast
Der Podcast "The Way Out Is In" lädt die Hörerinnen und Hörer zu einer tiefgehenden Reise ein, auf der sie lernen, ihre Ängste und ihren Zorn zu überwinden, um sich mit mehr Liebe und Mitgefühl in der Welt zu engagieren. Inspriert von der Weisheit des berühmten buddhistischen Mönchs Thich Nhat Hanh, vermittelt dieser Podcast die Erkenntnis, dass der Ausweg aus schwierigen Situationen im Inneren zu finden ist. Die Hörer werden ermutigt, tief in sich selbst zu schauen, Einsichten zu gewinnen und diese in die Praxis umzusetzen.
Der Podcast wird von zwei herausragenden Persönlichkeiten moderiert: Bruder Phap Huu, der 17 Jahre lang der persönliche Assistent von Thich Nhat Hanh war und heute Abt des Upper Hamlet im berühmten Kloster Plum Village ist, sowie Jo Confino, ein Experte an der Schnittstelle von persönlicher Transformation und systemischem Wandel. Gemeinsam führen sie durch inspirierende Gespräche und tiefgründige Diskussionen, die sowohl die persönliche Entwicklung als auch globale Themen der Veränderung berühren.
In jeder Episode werden zentrale Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Mitgefühl und die Kunst des bewussten Lebens behandelt. Die Moderatoren teilen wertvolle Einsichten und praktische Übungen, die den Hörerinnen und Hörern helfen, ihren Alltag bewusster und erfüllter zu gestalten. Dabei werden komplexe Themen auf verständliche Weise zugänglich gemacht, sodass sowohl erfahrene Praktizierende als auch Neulinge einen großen Nutzen daraus ziehen können.
"The Way Out Is In" ist nicht nur ein Podcast, sondern eine Einladung, die eigene innere Reise zu beginnen und die Welt mit einem klareren und mitfühlenderen Blick zu betrachten. Ideal für alle, die auf der Suche nach tieferem Verständnis und positivem Wandel sind.
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Letzte Episoden:
The Beauty of Imperfection (Episode #80)
Veröffentlicht am: 19.12.2024
Welcome to episode 80 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this installment, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino talk about how to come home to ourselves, why it can be so difficult for people to feel at home in their own skin ...
Welcome to episode 80 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this installment, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino talk about how to come home to ourselves, why it can be so difficult for people to feel at home in their own skin and to feel that they are enough, and why people go searching for things outside of themselves in order to feel better about themselves on the inside. The hosts further explore self-love and self-acceptance; compassion; overcoming perfectionism and feelings of inadequacy; redefining beauty; true generosity; dismantling self; the Buddhist teachings on interbeing and dwelling in the present moment; and more. They also share personal experiences and insights from Thich Nhat Hanh’s own journey to inner freedom and stability. The episode concludes with a short meditation guided by Brother Phap Huu. Enjoy! Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism: support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources Interbeing Brother Phap Linh (Brother Spirit) ‘Three Resources Explaining the Plum Village Tradition of Lazy Days’ ‘Thich Nhat Hanh on Discrimination and Complexes’ Dharma Talks: ‘What Is the Equality Complex?’ How To: ‘Begin Anew’ Dharma Talks: ‘The Five Remembrances’ The Way Out Is In: ‘Feel It to Heal It: The Dharma of Music (Episode #79)’ The Way Out Is In: ‘Shining Light (Episode #63)’ Quotes “Where there’s a stillness, the energy of mindfulness is present.” “Thich Nhat Hanh would speak about how, sometimes, we have to expand our mind and expand ourselves to see that our suffering is not ours alone: it is a shared suffering. And, also, when we transform the suffering, it is not only our transformation: it is a transformation for the greater collective. And we don’t discriminate about whether it is a small or a large transformation, because all transformations have an impact on the greater consciousness of our society.” “When we talk about coming home to oneself, that is the whole journey of meditation: dwelling happily in the present moment. It means that, in the present moment, whether there’s a storm, whether it is a moment that is blissful and peaceful, I can be happy. And if there is a moment when there is suffering, like if I am unwell and I’m not experiencing joy and happiness, I can learn to still tap into my happy conditions and be there for this moment. So I can generate happiness in this moment, even in the midst of suffering and pain.” “The word love in Buddhism is very deep; there’s so many layers to it. And a part of love always starts with oneself – like, can we learn to be kinder to ourselves? Can we make ourselves a little bit kinder, so that our home in ourselves is a little bit kinder?” “We, as practitioners, know that we’re not only conditioned from the outer energy, we also have the capacity to condition ourselves. And that is part of the journey
Feel It to Heal It: The Dharma of Music (Episode #79)
Veröffentlicht am: 28.11.2024
Welcome to episode 79 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this installment, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino are joined by musician/producer Jack Peñate and frequent guest Brother Phap Linh, Dharma teacher/musician. Togeth...
Welcome to episode 79 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives. In this installment, Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino are joined by musician/producer Jack Peñate and frequent guest Brother Phap Linh, Dharma teacher/musician. Together, they talk about the release of A Cloud Never Dies, the debut album by the Plum Village Band – a musical meditation on love, continuation, and non-fear, inspired by and dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh.The album was produced by Jack, with the two monastics joining the conversation as co-creators of the album and representing the Plum Village Band: a collective of Zen Buddhist monks and nuns from Plum Village Monastery, France, plus musician-meditator friends from around the world. In the first part of the episode, the guests discuss their musical journeys, from childhood to this point; the power of music as a portal to share the Dharma; music and Buddhist tradition; making music as a spiritual form; art as a Zen practice; and more.In the second part, they share songs from the album and discuss their origins, meaning, creative process, and production stories. And we get to listen to the discussed songs too. Listen to the album and find out more about it here. Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism: With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources Interbeing Jack Peñate Brother Phap Linh (Brother Spirit) Album: A Cloud Never Dies The Way Out Is In: ‘Regeneration and Musical Inspiration: The North American Tour (Episode #53)’ Sister Chan Khong Pirates Blend ‘The Four Dharma Seals of Plum Village’ Aretha Franklin Billie Holiday and Goldmund Glass Bead Game Hesse Bhagavad Gita Quotes “Music and Zen go together.” “There’s art in making tea and there’s art in life, in the way that we live our days.” “The highest music, the best kind of music, is breathing.” “Everything could become practice. It just depends on our heart and our intention. We feel like we can be very authentic practitioners and teachers of mindfulness and meditation and combine that with playing music, singing, creating. Because our teacher showed us how to do that, and how to be real in the doing of that, to make the music a meditation as well.”“Music not as a performance, but as an invitation to touch the present moment.” “When you know what your path is, you have to completely follow that, and be completely aligned with your intuition and your instinct about that.” “Harmony isn’t something that you’re always in, but it’s something you’re always striving for.”“You deal with the desire for fame by finding a deeper desire, one that’s more important to you. And then you can handle the other one, and the desire for fame looks silly in comparison. That’s a practice that people can do together. And it&
Being with Busyness Q&A, Part Two (Episode #78)
Veröffentlicht am: 07.11.2024
Welcome to episode 78 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives.This special episode – part two of two Q&A installments – marks the launch of the first book by Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino. Being with Busyness: Zen Ways to T...
Welcome to episode 78 of The Way Out Is In: The Zen Art of Living, a podcast series mirroring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s deep teachings of Buddhist philosophy: a simple yet profound methodology for dealing with our suffering, and for creating more happiness and joy in our lives.This special episode – part two of two Q&A installments – marks the launch of the first book by Zen Buddhist monk Brother Phap Huu and leadership coach/journalist Jo Confino. Being with Busyness: Zen Ways to Transform Overwhelm and Burnout is intended to help readers navigate these experiences, relieve stress, and reconnect to their inner joy through mindfulness and compassion practices inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh. Instead of discussing the book, the two presenters asked listeners to submit their questions on these timely topics. Listeners’ generous, vulnerable questions answered in this episode include: What are some practical tips for staying grounded and mindful amidst the busyness? How can I get back into practicing mindfulness? How can I practice mindfulness while doing multiple things at once? How can I be of service to others while still caring for myself? How can busy people know when it’s enough and draw a line? How does Plum Village deal with the burnout issues that also exist in the outside world? Co-produced by the Plum Village App: And Global Optimism: With support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation: List of resources Interbeing Being with Busyness The Way Out Is In: ‘Being with Busyness Q&A, Part One (Episode #77)’ The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation Pema Chödrön Start Where You Are Sister Chan Khong ‘Three Resources Explaining the Plum Village Tradition of Lazy Days’ Dharma Talks: ‘The Fours Pillars of Spiritual Life’ Bodhisattva Quotes “The Buddha explains that each and every one of us has an island within us that we have to tend and take care of. That island is our way of being, our calm that we can bring to the chaos. And it doesn’t mean that our surroundings are calm, but that we are calm inside. Even just a slice of calmness can relieve everything that is happening around us.” “The art of a meditator among busyness is to not be dispersed or carried away. When we are dispersed and carried away, we have the ability to come back to that island of practice. And this is an ongoing practice that we can all develop. We develop it when we’re at peace, when we have calm, when there is stillness.” “Our mindfulness is what we’re cultivating in our mind at the present moment.” “When you’re washing your plate, that is a moment when you’re just washing your plate, not thinking about the next project; that is mindfulness.” “The spiritual dimension is an old technology. It’s free and can be practiced from day one, right now, right here.” “Letting go in the space of Dharma is to grow and to have freedom. But if we’re to let go, to give up, that’s a different energy. So we also have to know that taking a step back to have more space, and then continuing, is also okay.” “People have dual problems. One