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Der The TED AI Show Podcast
Der Podcast "The TED AI Show" bietet eine faszinierende Reise in die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz, moderiert von dem kreativen Technologen Bilawal Sidhu. In einer Zeit, in der sich die Grenzen zwischen Science-Fiction und Realität immer weiter verwischen, lädt Bilawal Sidhu einige der klügsten Köpfe unserer Zeit ein, um über die transformative Kraft der KI zu diskutieren. Von führenden Experten über visionäre Künstler bis hin zu investigativen Journalisten – jeder Gast bringt seine einzigartige Perspektive auf die möglichen Zukünfte, die uns erwarten.
Die Hörer können sich auf spannende Gespräche freuen, die sowohl die inspirierenden als auch die beängstigenden Aspekte der KI beleuchten. Welche Technologien sind tatsächlich im Begriff, unsere Welt zu revolutionieren, und welche bleiben nur leere Versprechungen? "The TED AI Show" bietet nicht nur fundierte Einblicke und Analysen, sondern auch eine Plattform für kreative Ideen und innovative Ansätze, die die Zuhörer dazu anregen, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und sich mit den ethischen und sozialen Fragen auseinanderzusetzen, die mit der Entwicklung von KI einhergehen.
Ob man nun ein langjähriger Technikenthusiast ist oder einfach nur neugierig auf die Entwicklungen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz – dieser Podcast ist der perfekte Begleiter, um mehr über die Kräfte zu erfahren, die unser Leben in den kommenden Jahren prägen könnten. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von "The TED AI Show" und lassen Sie sich von den Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der KI inspirieren.
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Letzte Episoden:
Building an AI creator community w/ Civitai founders Justin Meyer and Maxfield Hulker
Veröffentlicht am: 19.11.2024
Ever since generative AI tools like Midjourney became available to the public in 2022, curious users and AI fanatics alike have been experimenting with the technology. But for tech aficionados and AI enthusiasts like Justin Meyer and Maxfield Hulker, Midjourney’s closed-source model wasn’t enough — they wanted to go deeper. That’s why Justin and Max created Citivai, an open-source generative AI tool and social platform where users can create, share, and experiment with new image generati...
Ever since generative AI tools like Midjourney became available to the public in 2022, curious users and AI fanatics alike have been experimenting with the technology. But for tech aficionados and AI enthusiasts like Justin Meyer and Maxfield Hulker, Midjourney’s closed-source model wasn’t enough — they wanted to go deeper. That’s why Justin and Max created Citivai, an open-source generative AI tool and social platform where users can create, share, and experiment with new image generation models. They sit down with Bilawal to discuss why community is so important to open-source development, the future of algorithmic personalization, and the famous so-called “dead internet theory.” They also unpack the risks of open-source development, and emphasize the importance of setting boundaries to keep users safe — while acknowledging the important role that “not-safe-for-work” content has played in the evolution of these powerful tools.For transcripts for The TED AI Show, visit
An AI chatbot that talks back w/ ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode
Veröffentlicht am: 12.11.2024
When it comes to preparing for an interview or making an important life decision, more and more people are turning to AI for advice. ChatGPT’s new voice interface, Advanced Voice Mode, allows users to speak out loud and converse with a chatbot as they would with another human — but is it really as seamless as a chat with a friend? Bilawal runs a series of experiments with Advanced Voice Mode to test the limits of this new technology and its potential uses, from weighing the pros and cons of ...
When it comes to preparing for an interview or making an important life decision, more and more people are turning to AI for advice. ChatGPT’s new voice interface, Advanced Voice Mode, allows users to speak out loud and converse with a chatbot as they would with another human — but is it really as seamless as a chat with a friend? Bilawal runs a series of experiments with Advanced Voice Mode to test the limits of this new technology and its potential uses, from weighing the pros and cons of a cross-country move to coaching an intense personal workout. He and producer Dominic Girard discuss the potential benefits and dangers of this new advancement, and ask perhaps the most important question of all: can ChatGPT pronounce Bilawal’s name? For transcripts for The TED AI Show, visit
How AI is changing national security w/ Kathleen Fisher
Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2024
We’ve had conversations about AI’s online influence on politics, from deepfakes to misinformation. But AI can also have profound effects on hardware – especially when it comes to national security and military capabilities like weapons and stealth technologies. Kathleen Fisher is an office director at DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency tasked with the research and development of emerging technologies for use by the U.S. military. Despite its bureaucratic name, DARPA is an...
We’ve had conversations about AI’s online influence on politics, from deepfakes to misinformation. But AI can also have profound effects on hardware – especially when it comes to national security and military capabilities like weapons and stealth technologies. Kathleen Fisher is an office director at DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency tasked with the research and development of emerging technologies for use by the U.S. military. Despite its bureaucratic name, DARPA is anything but conventional – and they’re solving problems that are thrillingly complex. Kathleen shares how her team employs nimble thinking to understand the state of AI across the globe. Then, she and Bilawal discuss the strategies needed to embrace the possibilities –and challenges– of AI now, and what we need to do to build a sustainable future.For transcripts for The TED AI Show, visit