Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants Zusammenfassung
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Der Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants Podcast
Der Podcast "Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants" entführt seine Hörer in die spirituelle Welt des Yoga Vidya Ashrams in Deutschland. Dieser inspirierende Podcast bietet eine einzigartige Mischung aus Mantra-Gesängen, die sowohl leidenschaftlich als auch meditativ sind. Die Vielfalt der Darbietungen reicht von klassischen bis hin zu modernen Interpretationen, die alle in der ehrwürdigen Sivananda-Tradition verwurzelt sind.
Jede Episode lädt die Zuhörer ein, die kraftvolle Energie der Mantras zu erleben, die tief in der yogischen Tradition verankert sind. Die Hörer können sich auf eine reiche Auswahl an Kirtans und Rezitationen von Shlokas, Stotras und Suktams freuen, die ein Gefühl von Frieden und innerer Ruhe fördern. Der Podcast bietet sowohl Neulingen als auch erfahrenen Yoga-Praktizierenden eine zugängliche Möglichkeit, die spirituelle Praxis zu vertiefen und sich auf eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung zu begeben.
Mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm und einer authentischen Darbietung ist dieser Podcast ideal für alle, die sich für die spirituelle und kulturelle Vielfalt der Sanskrit-Chants interessieren. Tauchen Sie ein in die klangvolle Welt der Mantras und lassen Sie sich von den harmonischen Klängen auf eine transformative Reise mitnehmen.
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Letzte Episoden:
Maha Mantra by Mantra Circle (Savatma Das Cover) – Kirtan Cover
Veröffentlicht am: 22.11.2024
(Capo 2) Dm Gm (F) A Dm B Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Gm (F) A Dm Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Dm Gm (F) A Dm B Hare Rama Hare Rama Gm (F) A Dm Rama Rama Hare Hare Mantra for lightness, compassion and enjoyment of life. performed by Christos – guitar, vocals Ramani – Vocals Maha Mantra means the great mantra. The mantra combines all three aspects of Vishnu and invokes God in the form of Hari, Krishna and Rama. Hare Rama Hare Krishna invokes Vishnu as Hari, as radiant, as shining. As ...
(Capo 2) Dm Gm (F) A Dm B Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Gm (F) A Dm Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Dm Gm (F) A Dm B Hare Rama Hare Rama Gm (F) A Dm Rama Rama Hare Hare Mantra for lightness, compassion and enjoyment of life. performed by Christos – guitar, vocals Ramani – Vocals Maha Mantra means the great mantra. The mantra combines all three aspects of Vishnu and invokes God in the form of Hari, Krishna and Rama. Hare Rama Hare Krishna invokes Vishnu as Hari, as radiant, as shining. As Rama who is joyful and full of loveliness. And as Krishna, mysterious, full of tenderness and sweetness. It gives you joy of life, lightness and a heart full of compassion and love. You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞 This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏 Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence. Follow us on our other online channels: ⚛️ Facebook: ⚛️ Instagram: Om Shanti
Kirtan Cover - Om Arunachala by Kirtan Family (Omkara & Jai Sahaja! Mooji Mala Music Cover)
Veröffentlicht am: 15.11.2024
Om Arunachala Om Arunachala Arunachala Shiva Shiva Shiva The kirtan was written for the mountain "Arunachala" in South India. It is said that Shiva lives there. On the full moon of each month, thousands of Indian and Western pilgrims circumambulate Arunachala on foot. Symbolically, Arunachala stands for the warming sunbeams of dawn, which he brings into our closed hearts. So with this kirtan we can connect completely with Shiva. Shiva as a universal force in the universe, as o...
Om Arunachala Om Arunachala Arunachala Shiva Shiva Shiva The kirtan was written for the mountain "Arunachala" in South India. It is said that Shiva lives there. On the full moon of each month, thousands of Indian and Western pilgrims circumambulate Arunachala on foot. Symbolically, Arunachala stands for the warming sunbeams of dawn, which he brings into our closed hearts. So with this kirtan we can connect completely with Shiva. Shiva as a universal force in the universe, as our own true nature. Original kirtan by Omkara & Jai Sahaja!: Original kirtan by Mooji Mala Music:
Jay Hanuman by Kirtan Family (Awaken Love Band Cover) - Kirtan Cover
Veröffentlicht am: 08.11.2024
Am F G Am Jay Hanuman Jay Hanuman G Am Jay Sitaram Jay Sitaram F G Am Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Mantra for devotion, unconditional love and joy performed by Ramani - vocals, harmonium Sonya - vocals, cymbals Patrick - vocals The kirtan help...
Am F G Am Jay Hanuman Jay Hanuman G Am Jay Sitaram Jay Sitaram F G Am Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Sitaram Mantra for devotion, unconditional love and joy performed by Ramani - vocals, harmonium Sonya - vocals, cymbals Patrick - vocals The kirtan helps you to surrender to the Divine and to life itself - just as Hanuman surrendered to Rama in complete trust. Hanuman was the servant of Rama and Sita. Sita was the wife of Rama and they both are considered as an ideal couple. Rama does not exist without Sita and Sita does not exist without Rama, so they often speak or sing of "Sitaram". They lead us to unconditional love. Jaya means "long live" and so we can translate Jay Hanuman and Jay Sitaram as "long live Hanuman - long live Sitaram". Original kirtan by Awaken Love Band: You can share the audio with others and this spread love and harmony.🌍💞 This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation. You help to keep our association alive. 🙏 Mantra chanting, kirtan chanting, is a wonderful practice to open the heart, to feel divine presence Follow us on our other online channels: ⚛️ Facebook: ⚛️ Instagram: