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Der Universe Today Podcast Podcast
Der "Universe Today Podcast" entführt seine Hörer auf eine faszinierende Reise durch das Universum und bietet eine Fülle an spannenden Inhalten rund um das Thema Raumfahrt und Astronomie. Präsentiert von Fraser Cain, dem renommierten Gründer der beliebten Plattform Universe Today, bietet dieser Podcast eine perfekte Mischung aus aktuellen Weltraumnachrichten, tiefgehenden Interviews mit führenden Wissenschaftlern und Experten sowie aufschlussreichen Frage-und-Antwort-Sitzungen.
Jede Episode eröffnet ein Fenster zu den neuesten Entdeckungen und Entwicklungen in der Welt der Astronomie, während exklusive Inhalte und Diskussionen die Neugier der Hörer wecken und ihren Wissenshorizont erweitern. Egal, ob es um die Geheimnisse ferner Galaxien, die Wunder unseres Sonnensystems oder die neuesten Technologien in der Raumfahrt geht, der "Universe Today Podcast" bietet verständliche und unterhaltsame Einblicke für alle, die sich für die unendlichen Weiten des Kosmos interessieren.
Fraser Cain, bekannt für seine Fähigkeit, komplexe wissenschaftliche Themen auf zugängliche Weise zu präsentieren, lädt die Hörer ein, sich den großen Fragen des Universums zu stellen und die Wunder des Weltraums aus nächster Nähe zu erleben. Dieser Podcast ist der ideale Begleiter für alle, die den Kosmos besser verstehen und die Faszination des Universums hautnah erleben möchten.
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Letzte Episoden:
[Interview] How Red Dwarf Stars Could Host Habitable Planets After All
Veröffentlicht am: 21.11.2024
We're still waiting for the results from JWST about the atmospheres on the TRAPPIST-1 planets. But is there a way for red dwarf planets to keep atmospheres on planets. Latest research seems to show that it might be possible. 🟣 Guest: Dr. Joshua Krissansen-Totton https://depts.washington.edu/astrobio/wordpress/profile/joshua-krissansen-totton/ 📜 The erosion of large primary atmospheres typically leaves behind substantial secondary atmospheres on temperate rocky planets https://www.n...
We're still waiting for the results from JWST about the atmospheres on the TRAPPIST-1 planets. But is there a way for red dwarf planets to keep atmospheres on planets. Latest research seems to show that it might be possible. 🟣 Guest: Dr. Joshua Krissansen-Totton https://depts.washington.edu/astrobio/wordpress/profile/joshua-krissansen-totton/ 📜 The erosion of large primary atmospheres typically leaves behind substantial secondary atmospheres on temperate rocky planets https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-52642-6 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 00:00 Intro 02:09 Problems with M dwarfs 11:22 Holding on to atmospheres 19:46 JWST observations 24:10 Habitable worlds observatory 32:40 Trappist-1 results wen? 40:22 More interviews 📺 VIDEO VERSION #TODO_LINK 📰 GUIDE TO SPACE Newsletter No ads. Subscribe for FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast
[Overtime Q&A] Conspiracy Theories in School, Preserving History, JWST Restrictions
Veröffentlicht am: 20.11.2024
Should they teach conspiracy theories in schools? How can we preserve history? How restricted is JWST because of its sunshield? Answering all these questions and more in this week's Overtime Q&A. 🦄 Watch our videos with no ads 👉 Get additional audio episodes of Overtime https://patreon.com/universetoday 00:00 Start 00:26 Should conspiracy theories be taught in school? 08:13 How much does the sunshield block JWST? 10:19 How can we protect history? 14:27 Will we find ancient...
Should they teach conspiracy theories in schools? How can we preserve history? How restricted is JWST because of its sunshield? Answering all these questions and more in this week's Overtime Q&A. 🦄 Watch our videos with no ads 👉 Get additional audio episodes of Overtime https://patreon.com/universetoday 00:00 Start 00:26 Should conspiracy theories be taught in school? 08:13 How much does the sunshield block JWST? 10:19 How can we protect history? 14:27 Will we find ancient civilizations on other planets? 18:03 Why not use the proper name for the Sun and Moon? 18:55 Is there a Moon timezone? 19:56 Is the edge of the Observable Universe set by aliens? 📺 VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/vPzWeZydMbE 📰 GUIDE TO SPACE Newsletter No ads. Subscribe for FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast
[Space Bites] Satellite Survives Orbital Hit // Starship Flight 6 Date // Webb Finds a Steam World
Veröffentlicht am: 08.11.2024
Another Starship flight is right around the corner, how to make space telescopes insanely thin, a black hole feeding faster than it should, and plans to build your own radio telescope 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 📚 Suggest books in the book club: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1198440-universe-today-book-club 00:00 Intro 00:13 Starship IFT-6 Launch Date 03:27 Satellite surviving a collision 05:12 Ultra-thin space telescopes 07:42 Aftermath of a neut...
Another Starship flight is right around the corner, how to make space telescopes insanely thin, a black hole feeding faster than it should, and plans to build your own radio telescope 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 📚 Suggest books in the book club: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1198440-universe-today-book-club 00:00 Intro 00:13 Starship IFT-6 Launch Date 03:27 Satellite surviving a collision 05:12 Ultra-thin space telescopes 07:42 Aftermath of a neutron star collision 09:48 Steam world 11:25 Vote results 11:58 Black hole that's eating too fast 13:33 The end for Skylon? 15:39 Build your own telescope 17:16 Guide to Space 17:59 Questions for the interviews 📺 VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/yNGAB7i8prI 📰 EMAIL NEWSLETTER Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Subscribe. It's FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 🤳 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcain Twitter: https://twitter.com/universetoday Facebook: https://facebook.com/universetoday Instagram: https://instagram.com/universetoday 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast