The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett Zusammenfassung
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Der The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett Podcast
"The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett" ist ein fesselnder Podcast, der die Hörer auf eine inspirierende Reise durch die spannenden Geschichten und unerforschten Dimensionen der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten unserer Zeit mitnimmt. Steven Bartlett, ein visionärer Unternehmer, der einst als mittelloser Universitätsabbrecher begann, hat sich zu einem führenden Innovator und Gründer mehrerer erfolgreicher Unternehmen entwickelt.
In seinem Podcast öffnet Steven das Tagebuch seines Lebens und teilt mit den Hörern die tiefgründigen Lektionen und Erkenntnisse, die er auf seinem Weg gesammelt hat. Er spricht mit renommierten Experten, Vordenkern und Entscheidungsträgern aus verschiedensten Branchen, um deren außergewöhnliche Geschichten und Erfahrungen zu enthüllen. Jeder Podcast bietet einen intimen Einblick in die Herausforderungen, Erfolge und einzigartigen Perspektiven seiner Gäste, die oft hinter verschlossenen Türen bleiben.
"The Diary Of A CEO" ist mehr als ein einfacher Podcast; es ist eine Plattform, die die ungeschminkte Realität des Unternehmertums und der persönlichen Entwicklung zeigt. Steven Bartlett stellt die Fragen, die wirklich zählen, und schafft es, tiefgründige und authentische Gespräche zu führen, die die Hörer inspirieren und zum Nachdenken anregen. Ob man nach praktischen Ratschlägen für den eigenen Berufsweg sucht oder einfach nur von den Geschichten außergewöhnlicher Menschen fasziniert ist – dieser Podcast bietet jedem etwas. Er lädt neue Hörer ein, die Welt durch die Augen von Menschen zu sehen, die die Grenzen des Möglichen verschieben.
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The Investing & Crypto Expert: "We Only Have 6 Years Until Everything Changes!", "The S&P 500 Isn't Worth Your Time!", "Don't Keep Spare Cash In A Bank!"
Veröffentlicht am: 07.11.2024
Zusammenfassung lesenThe clock is ticking – Raoul Pal reveals how AI will transform the global economy and why crypto might be your best chance of survival Raoul Pal is the co-founder and CEO of Real Vision, the world-renowned financial knowledge and education platform. He is also the former Head of European Hedge Fund Sales at Goldman Sachs. In this conversation, Raoul and Steven discuss topics such as, why we can’t trust central banks, how to build wealth with crypto, how to protect your job from AI, a...
The clock is ticking – Raoul Pal reveals how AI will transform the global economy and why crypto might be your best chance of survival Raoul Pal is the co-founder and CEO of Real Vision, the world-renowned financial knowledge and education platform. He is also the former Head of European Hedge Fund Sales at Goldman Sachs. In this conversation, Raoul and Steven discuss topics such as, why we can’t trust central banks, how to build wealth with crypto, how to protect your job from AI, and how to secure your financial future in 6 years or less. (00:00) Intro (02:07) What Is Raouls Mission? (05:38) What Would The Average Person Say About Raouls Work? (06:47) What Will Fuck My Financial Future? (11:14) Stats Today Vs 1980's (12:18) How To Play 'The Game' Of Finance In Your Younger Years? (13:30) What About Work Life Balance? (13:58) What Knowledge Should I Acquire? (14:57) How To Become An Expert? (16:41) Manifesting Your Future (17:16) How To Progress Once You're An Expert (19:42) What If You Don't Have Excess Income To Invest? (24:05) What About Buying A House? (26:28) Viewers Comments (30:07) Advice From Steven's Brother About Being An Expert (31:58) Applying Your Knowledge To Get The Highest Return (39:01) How Do I Spot A Trend (39:02) AI Will Free So Much Our Time That We Won't Know What To Do With It (42:53) The AI Component (47:24) How Disruptive Will AI Be? (51:18) Should We Be Scared Of AI? (54:37) How To Know If A Trend Will Be Persistent (57:53) Are We At The Collapse Of The Digital Industry? (59:06) How Do You Invest In AI? (01:00:51) What Is Crypto (01:01:18) Productivity And AI (01:06:32) Blockchain Explained (01:08:04) Contracts On The Blockchain (01:10:54) NFTs (01:12:12) Should You Invest In Blockchain? (01:21:43) How Do I Benefit From Buying Crypto? (01:23:01) How To Invest In Crypto (01:24:27) What Is A Ledger Device? (01:25:41) What Coin Should You Invest In? (01:32:14) What Is Leverage? (01:37:45) Do Men Invest More In Crypto? (01:39:42) The Nightmare Stories With Crypto (01:41:41) What Is Raoul's Price Prediction? (01:45:20) What If Raoul Is Wrong? (01:49:36) What Is The Debasement Of Currency? (02:00:50) The Best Trade Is Quality Of Life (02:08:34) Guest's Last Question Follow Raoul: Instagram - Twitter - Website - You can learn more about Raoul’s ‘The Everything Code’, here: Watch the episodes on Youtube - My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: Follow me: Sponsors: WHOOP - ZOE - with code BARTLETT10 for 10% off
W about six before everyth change and we THW money in a bank crusde, we tho ar heuse resici, but no th troip and the moey pu your money and your savings. And in the bank you don'own anything. And your futureelf is getting core aboe. And that's problem, the financial security worationh? No w opies so yo, explaine it. S me, yo, the context of this, OK? So Raol pall is one of the most influential voices in the everchanging world of modern finance, onpacking the secrets of crypto and incerutureople, thatutures th of byuse that have saies. That's from universe people. That the first generation the we wich is th parents. Wh advice? Wh you give to sep myself? F w wol in the youture? You star investingut. What about the people? But now mat i the how had they work? They still thn t have that accessingome to invest. You don't k need, you're savings. You re just need to understand house. A look for oportunies? Forample, the s p fünf hunder th'is not worth your time. Real sadn't rely madke earny money th days AG go gold axie losty money gould investing and cryptod like Bitcoin, give us stupidly hard toimes in shult per scing idert €0,50. Scaling a twice the speed the Internet. So now the got with bnder dollar canuge i the question hiere than so w now thiry is all thish have a mis the boat? No much. There is a my authing people tharn investining cryptor. Ie huld stories wer people a put to much in and lost to do to what? If your rroe we get at talk, wout he not of to out i the howwipe investing crypto'really simple is starugt somewher. So do that and you made on from a high level perspective being unspeciific som uns on what exact the mission? No, you ow in season yo life, whatuu doing? So overy yo of yourself? ##ut really, i think that ar beenmed with tools an knowledge over the year. My yar carer that I can of have a dense sense where the welld is going where the optenies liee and m where the risk lies for people. And i can see the proppen peoplecing and a thinke gos. So what i want att do is helpe many people is possible in no journey. Why that happen to me? Was i was in Spain backin ZWF and alsse journy. Financial crssis zwei Tand AGs and i was brising macroeconomic research for my research service, global macroinvetor and id seen a coming. I predicd to that i new is coming. I new the problems. I wn't all of iy friends that no bey listen st about the financial crisis. What was is gonna happened? Am most them leing in a beach tan and Spain, the in real estate they one bust. But was the not was th when we got to the European crisis? When, basically, the goverments of your run and a money, the bank sou a run an a money. And as a post to being byil down, they go online is byil the with means that they toke your savings to pay the deses and friends of my parents and friends of friends white town inowher like whitedn't we know? I m that was question that sat with me for ww. Whyn't we know? And i so theat everydey at lost total faith in the system. So occupy wstrey hatpen that signeriod and it wasit people anggray is like we tho money in the bank? Wh safe we thow ar healts. Wh safe we thow? The systemus thefer us and Suday they o wake up and realized the system is not ha I them. You wassieve a other people youno people talkout bank is neverone to jail. The was that sense that it was never concluded. And it's sat with me for a long to thinking. Wha can I do about this? Beca onw wass rising super hig end con a research for hedge funds. You know, big asset management firms. And so was'accessible to people ana rights, coople, ofvakulls. One got leakgt in zero. Hedgen is early days and i became super viral. Maybe the something her theat, I can reach a broder audience. Then i can help this people. I that'w me comep the i thee real vision w wh? W was the ide of interviewering the people at the very haut of the system? And can a sharing the detessed just the isast people one hiding heat they woant'to hellp people is well ever w'had that sense that we could hell people. So i'm stll on not journey a not journey con of has taken a multi the partse starting businesses butl so just Trn eicaate people on why they feeld w thy do you k a white politics is so polarized never used to be this bad younow what's really ging on and who really to blame? I'm what to do if fa stop the average postt on the street that knows you and watches is real vision. And i awesom what has round in his channel and his information. Don't fee what you think. They whah say the average person thke just say thank you, because wh help the mystify the well of finance? Und you see, we will have the wuose of on happiness and happiness oft and comm from does youur vision of your future self matchway? Or th thy can you see that path wher that financees wither is health that o very similar journeys when people vision of theat future self and the county ha a get there thy it uetd i what wee try to do is unfuck people s feuture, which is an expression we use, which is a way which is a a mematic or a meme or justice show phrasiology tell pe planers stand. We understand that you feel like you co get to way you want to get to betut the our options to dot. I think people emmensly gratful. Forig in general, if you on emisssion to hew people unfuck the future, can you explain to me, speclly the things that stand the chance a fucking they future from may macro perspective. And when i say macro, we have the pose in just defined what I mean by the WT macro? When i think of the WhT macro, I'mean big picture perspective. So from a big picture perspective whaater the things that stand atchance a fucking my future. Okay, so we can digo why th things have ad but genery speaking wages in real terimes a justif inflation haven't gona out the deades. So Nobleis getting Richard, if you re an American, you have this paful meme, which is the American dream. Bet th is not a reality famouse people. The reality is, you grinddown your savings a not wth bhaut. You thought they bey this whod promiseive your pension and swanning around on a Crws sh wun the carbean. Wheny rollder living in a nice house? Non, no, th is trroe. And it's because wes haveen t gonaut so. OK. So let's cut to somedy uses in th thir se now. Because this is the really important cowhole. I think for this they con a footd by heuse. If i go back to, when i was thig, i boer house in London. And it was a nice place in a good area. And i was the and half time salery. Yes, ou in finance o zeing a high salary. You comp by anything wit three and a half times your salary now. That'same place, if i to the same call of young investment bank salary is probabley at tenhn ton. So is tripled in how expensiveities to just buy your first house. So what is a house first? It s your colallecy of life partiy, you know, in England, the UK, in the UK or in the US. Where home bys youno we think of OU home is OU cause is, it's like the thing it solidifies OU securacy. You know, if you re in germany, for example, they don't thy rent. But if we think about the mindsets of owning a house, it's an asset at do. You can the pal on, or you can self you need to. And an asss is really a future savings plant. It's something you save now in the future, you consume you can buy stuff with. But what your diing is the average study f the average millennial study. Six asld thy cot of fod by the house. So there for theat future self is poa. If they think of haw muchf the stop market, iy can by, they can by lesbe with that money the have less savings. Theve got thats from university, so they don't have the abilities. Is gotato this trap and that what your finding is? Because of this, the having to liver thther people ins the thes theat having to they don't have kids and I don't get mar it. And thse numbers have colps ins 1900 y trois. You ve see this numbers come down from people living on the own. So i you could get your job, get yoelf. An appartment is'goom acnt to seczig you seing the marage raigte half your sing the howhen owner shit bright. Go for 50 %. The dreiig %. These a all expressions of the same problems, which is people kno that features fued an i can feile i th have a sense of desperation. You see, than the same cohot of kids in the thiries doing two jobs, three jobs for jobs. That s not because they once to nobody once to work tover days, se days a it'k they hafted and their parents, the baby boomers ho in a se season retariing. Never ha that theat wit a Richard generation the world th ever a same. So this is the first generation that wn beis Richard is theat parents and that a wait thing, because wt all used to human progress? The American dream it the American dream is wy you never it be as welalth yo is appareents, and they willuld middle close people, and on now less well of the name tht's go a fuck. So the hismtats about a thtil today vers is a dreild in tause 900 vierhenzig. So thy rold in tausezig und pronive them live on run thy it affaud a house horwn appartment to rentaltal to buy now it'und seczigzent. So people living having to live withhother people Marage rate save gome from achtzigt. Drei rods in ein tause neunder undzig Uhr. Mary the undzig %. No kids having kids go von 60 % to dreiig population growth th is clap sa beca is people con of fo thy and howe ownership for th rod has goom fünfzignt th cent. It is shows that dramatic changes happened over the decaade. I m why each generations fo ie a more difficult to beigt the parents. So i am th is all disish y i like han to th fng is a can what advice? Wh you give to someone like me that s my age. Ou may bef in younger, you know, mid als to how to play the game over the coming year. To make shoe that I don't fin myself in aposition. Ar ar'haveven't work two jobs on Po. Don't have assets. I don't have a anything to show for it. Like if you take it right back to bning, like maybe let's se aanzig rod a rod. How you play the game? I want. I think about it somet thinking like wealth creation howd than preserve my wealth. Like what's the game? So the first partw of the game is income, OK? Without income, you don't have the cash to do the other things to invest or to look op soy. First thing is income betieve and that changing and how we are income. Theis days, you know, used to be you go work for a big firm. You Get pay do you get the benefit? That's alld going anno be wants to do it sou call of andd up haping to beyp entrepreneur. What too thre different things. The point beiing if your th do all of that work day a noise reall do is many things learn is much is you can t fail is of an is possible. Wo abut Wt? Life balance. And you fuck it. Because that's the time to put in the har work. You work life balance. She come atat later. I m a big believer in. Yes, if i is strve university, go traveling for hier. You know, that i get with the Pe at Nebo. Th gives your much broer a perspective in the weltld. And any o a single THK that you can don your life offter. That you get you head down and you get you head down proly metd thir. Okay? So when you sae get my head down, i'am m guesting wner the most import things and not season. If your life is knowledge acquisition. And if that's trueh than the next question is, what type of knowledge shoul? I be aquiring to set myself up for wove in the future. Co it go aquire knowledge of you know had cleaner toiler. O ha be a godner. But what? What is the most high retenting knowledge for me. It is firstly be and expert on something, OK? And and a generalis dom is much possible, right? Be theat expert. Beca somey will pay that least for the time beig on will talk about have a welld my change in the future. But for the time beig, if you're expert in whatever it my bey wherher it driving attack, say o weather, I a computer sons doesn't mant be an expert compete with yourself diey and nice to be the best that you can. So i least it gond to give you the chance to uns som money. Okay, so just to drill down? No, before we continons to me for it, how do want? Become an exptot. Like what the co like how i w have to show up to become an exptot? You re an exp bout on many. OK, this to may is this a track the island and it's could manifestering you ren destiny i what you do is what i've always that my how life is. I imisaged myself five w tenhn y in the future, what the i want to be? And you look around you andow, OK? Whatater the things that i want to have that future vision to myself as a post to the drei thn a parth it too difficult. Give it five years. Wher don w want been five years, OK? And you look around that future world and you think OK will how woul are i got her? You know, if I've build to business, cleaning windows and I go thy people working for me, whaher hadd I get thy well out of had w figure? Ouw. OK. Ha away make this skale. Ha away employee people hadway tradin nims to have the right standards all of that you yoelf your question of what that s success looks like and you can a de can shortd and go back and make a happen. So you reverse engineer back from not reality. So winw clean wit employees on management skills. Hoean a winwunting accounting. I need to lear probably marketing. Li can spread the message of my business. I probably need to le poy like ha a speak public speaking Beca asey to lear technology. You know, what som solva detaions a people using what other way of doing att more efficiy enfster. So I beat the compens so i mi go work for a big window cleaning company to see how wey do to trans se opportunity and what theat not doing? Ja, Oriven somey w manufacture stuf that sector i can be anything where you can glean knowledge, the give yourself and unfair advantage now onpocast I o is make it easy ev becomes an entrepreneur before, you know, every'rage doesn't work that why? But all Imn do stack the olds in? Yo Faivevor ive ve getting close that that image of your futureelf and you can reverse engineerer so i'm now anx b whatever i, I'm and I'an expert in window cleaning, whatever it might be and m generaliste in money things you thingt's go enable meet to starugt to buildalth something. So id I can go to the extaseit my life. So when you become an expert when you become good it something if you kflein youur expenditure, you pujice acccess income rightca people in a pay you your expertise, sof you manage yourself, Caffey, and let's first feu. Yees, that access cache, you can choose what to do wit that now Maybeu wants a build the real business that yo wants to build in the firstpa the crazy arur day yo ve had an if youran to th, you can take the risk and blow your savings on th crazy idey, because you veck you learn how to do builder a business all ready by building the one that usu started or you star investing? No, the world of investments was this world of weird financial advisors und theat W tell yo somethings w you do this and that you're a und youd in und years time you'll get som money i'm me fuck that i me what imee gon get out iat when I'm sec f ve as old i sudaly get amp some that i ve spend my whole life saving for I don't feel it, It's go. I god k now emotional toch to my pension plan and I'got real will proppen to save. I compy heuse I can get mared, I can'have kids. So i need to solve these in a should to time period in my pension. My pension was susable for different generation. That just ne that inug after thy stop working. So i god aauth that and the ansceries investing theat most people roller rise and go really stocks and bones is boring, yeah, but the world exchange, the world ischange in many, manyways. But it's offer as opportunies. Weather is investing in technology, investing in cryptoho, that give us muchch ha return stupidly har returns in Schultz pers. OK, that some magic, that magic for young people a maybe to risky for the parents. B if your young and you can takes som risk, OK, hes a chance. So now you can builder business, you some access savings pri investments now youur on the path. So las ger on to investing ne bit just bef we gon to investing planing through the difference. Wh person of my audience and i thinking that su thewking really realy really had of the moment that doing. You know, they whht be a cap driver. They could be you kno dis some with man, your labour and it feelss to them. Thatnow moth a how hawd they work. They still don't have that acccessing come to invest. So f th people I m this is a little butver. I may yo a contenous questionke. Is that something that they doing wrong as it relates to the game? No, the game is the game, and you have to play the game. So, OK, so may be you don't have thousands to invest. I've seen many, many people in markets light crypto go from fünf hunt dollar to fünft dollar. Now this is lo op blue, don't ether. But all i m sag is the opportunity is that you don't need to bet your house. You don't need to have hugd savings. You just need to focus hom w you diing understand hound to managed risk abet and house to look for oport. And i is the self self teaching is how i become THT guys oder how familion dollar portfolio conseringny go dollar diey or thus dollarsy. Is that possible? Still? Ja, very much. Haveven i mis the boat? No, no. It's happening again. Right now in mean coins. This is fasstnating people watching this will go. W whaater? Bunch. Nonsens. The coins, tokens, tal baut, blockchain and. And this later. But thease ar investment basacetone. A meme? A joke. A joke? Something that grabs attentionaly. Internet, i you can battn those. W what is that? That's about betg on attention. It self. If i you think about a Business like Facebook o Google o anyfds that Twitter that will based on attention. And now we com ba on attention. The people find not funny ie they gon a find it funny in six month s time or six weeks time on Weco Betson this stuff, OK? This is the super Speculus Event bol a very cultural. Not about investmentbankers, no, about gatekeepers. It's about you Pitg yourself thinking. Is this gon a cat on vion? If it is, is it a grow bigger? No, some of thosees migke do thuse x in six monts now. Novn neun 9 % go to zero. But all im saing is returns allverre. And then you ve go different levels of return. If weu look a Bitcoin. Well, let's compared the S. P. 500. And this is. This will'be important number later. Wha the S. P. 500? That's the US stop markets. The brother is measure the stop market. New can boy chaz in its now thank grose at about tem sen year? ##ent yeh, so let's amine. You've got your tho dollar wet years. Go seck youur re fucking long toime to mke cany money, right? So it's is not worth your time. The financial devvisors. Yes, you must do this starug now. I'm mike. I'm sorry. Is just not go a change. Yo, life, OK? Th'me get a technology stocks. Nasdaq does about 18 porn. Yeah, OK, that s staling to adt ucase seease numbers compound of the WL. You know, he goes from toused zwei hunder and thn yot's another zwanzigzent to top. That ve this is number thtup fast Bitcoin sin zwei tausen and el bin ein hudert undzig 5 % a. Yeah, even with it falling 80 % th times in the middle of that. So 104 bis y long is we it long off. OK, now that's ready. Salth int to pay off. And then as you get slugy, more specculative, i take a bit mor risking things. Wel the returns got, but the I become risk herar. So WCE yoe stut moving in a that world. OK? This is a hold from world. No, now the go with a tho dollar can get rdich what abut bouying a house. Because, yo, thing most people thk the min i get som access income. And no, no, fa sh. When i say people is liket people that walk the streets think that the min you get the access income. You should take it and pu in a savings account. And by your first house get your first mulktge. Now, as a strategy for woalth creation and unfucking your life, is that a good approach. Nouse is not woralth coration. People think of houses is like an asset. But in the end y belly evable sellyur house to take the money out, you migke down size latering life if absoluy needed you my sald. But genery speaking your house is the lifestyle bank. Now that is super important. I think it is the most important trade of all is the lifestyle bank. So what do you do this all f you want life style? So do sacrifice your futureelf having more money by having a house and having security. Elia, i would don'k you thes days ag go wd you me? So i co do it three times income. Yeah. So heuse wash not expensive for me. So i can't subg it off a bit, Suna, and it be hame. Not a big deal. But now you're morgat is likely huw to amount vs. Yoriingome. You spend the restive your life paying i off. I most of the time you just paying of the interest. See, don't axie. Yo kno getting anywhere. You don't own not house. Anerything goes wrong. The bank takes atat away from you. So you ve god. I get more control of your life. And that is by having savings th the growing than you can make the choice, you know. Let'say that exempl of the person gone from a dollars to $500. Maybe on root they say well, unre takes a money of the table. I'm put i in my lifestyle bank and I'm going Aboy Heuse. That's what I ve the my hell Corea. And i find the lifestyle bank th. That's the award now it ok? No, we be tat my house away. So if I'm trying to build wealth bouying a house is not to good. I idea it's not the best approachd to take to build. Wh you telling me? That is actually no W about psychology and about em motion the house and is not about making myself walthy. I want to read some of the comment that people of the post W. We talk about the subjects because thing you probably the guy to adjust a mm. I board to house and it's the besting i ev a did it launch my mindseat? A new directions. Remember that having your own space has profund psychological impact and can be life changing for some that don't live in a healthy environment. I guess that speaks to your point about. I bn a psycholo co. Wha you doe ie get the same feeling if you re rented that wit i nice place. And you new that yo youur re rad m sup wasn'gonna got whate ever it was. I don't think to this any difference. That is s long wish you conf feil. Yo ve got security. You can take risking, do other things. I puge thusend 2014. I sold se ye later a k profit. I pu a lodge amountive the equity ando financeial investment porfoly a with my bank and it Ben down twn sins. I all suppu som mony to different cha based to Warren Buffett strategy. And that's not upzehnnt a friend of mine. Oo, lost about th kin on investing in stock market. You have to be caful. I donn't think th a crack solution. Some house puches is the amazing this I di that some house patches is do amazing. And some people make returns as a sentiment ar ofensé about bouying a house. Yes, and you know wher heret than uk. This a big i deout buying tw w three houses. Getting a more get rent in the mot us the cash play to pay for the other oney. That's loer people dream porfire. Wha? You know, I rented out. House is in the postuse generalads. If younot on a big city light London, it's genery oft in a terrible business. Because you god repam theis a lock goes on. Heda Heda tenants. Yeah, you know, people think its se easy manage. I just do nothing and iatt all makes money. There is no easy money in this world. And this ris grind because that litttal pararamid of mogages ar ro back by yoring. Come be pay the mogage on the first house. You use your job. Bo happens than it becomes problematic. Because if you re losing your job, maybe the economy slow and oer people losing the jobn Sunday before. You know not, these s mogages is getting paid. And guess what? You don't know any this stuff. A house is an not a safe investments. They fail safe becase. The price doesn't goappen down every Diey. I's not on the screen. It's not on cnmb say. But that illiquid which main the TH Ofen trade. Sometimes something happens in th equationy. Theat the price ges down or you ability to pay. That mogage goes and and the hothing colaps in seconds. I zwei tan with that double ever in lost that jobs. So the coul pay the mogage and the house prices collapse. And so i don t think house is is the panact that not the perfect oncer? Yes, they can be. Real estate is a desnse opportunity. I will'talk about to basement and currency and how that all works. An real estate is ok. It's sunly not the best, but. But you know. Yes. If you re rich, you can ownly things wut out. Mogages is you can be the Duke of Westmins. Sure. Known half of London. I just collect rends. You can yo that that ex generations and be rich foreer. I get it, but most for don't get inter that situation. My brother, who has been investment bank forout tan is nowx my company, my fund. He seat me on young when it comes to creatingalth. What you wanta do is focus on games that very few people comp play. But you haveve yo unu neak atvantagin. Because heuse everyone can buy house. So you can you shuld asse i the returns. W doing on t goul be amazing. So he wasot go find a game. You have high leverage. Yo have a un advand. Be the something you be the exper something wy you becauseive your knowledgerur expertis, your experienceal contacts, you can play that game. But very few atth the people can th that's w you. Yo, your highs return. I know th about that. Just very logicallly thinking. If everyone can play the game, don't play that game if you'expecting hiat. Because the return th, the cand to be very low. I at say the first game everyonee play. When I get bet income is by house. So logically you can go. Okay? That snock an yield me the bester retuns. Un last i get lucky and las exceptionlycking i buybod in ar th they buil blodyle foods nextor. It becomes the center of thed is again. The probability st no great. So what you think of that as a theor, the the sa is be and expert and something and you conf find more opportuncy. If you just to generalist, it's really hawk your comping gins average peoplening, average thing th, right? W just worken insurance office? I'min tho a people I plus your compating with AR, you know? Ho, you have agan a be something with in now hay become an expert. Now you could teach yoelf, OK? If i donn't mind this industrial, ithink can know it. Maybo need to le management skills. Mayboy spend all the time listing the podcast and learning management Mayybeats. And thats I can the manifest my destiny. But as you say, doing something other people on doing is a super power to knot frey interesting with th isate. Yo're becoming exper. I think is critically important. B the this is other step by found. Wh is noing what monkett to applyeier expertise to the y? The greatest return. And the ver simple give you for the first pushen of my crear, i was i beca exp exper in social media. Now, with that skillseat and expertise, you can do number things you can hellpay fashion company, salmo dresses and notw yd ex retan amall retan thn. In a second potion of my creer, I realized thatat they expertise w highe value and most rare, if I applieded to helping public companies, tell that story butore the IPR because the variants and outcoe for the public company, that i was apply my social mea expertise to was billions. So in the second, so the ar of my creator, I worith companies that about ipout goo the public markets w th performanceuld be you, that market cap be one billion, or there really i it selling th story in world w realall investors and so interesting trevoryone because the Wall Street baats theat market capcut be three billion. The not means thevid pay me seven figus for my skillseat and i have t think about. I think about the stop market you compy on the stock market in London. It's valida. Letat's say on million you pret on the stock market in American the same companies valued million, the same company. If you think your skills like that, where are youling your skills? To the high return, let's go back to the window cleaner. Who'now sors the buil is business and is's got th peopleh, OK? Who'now the hast of managing lease peopley ten at sec that this happens in the customerize and happy? So maybe that Brian on ser is to create a program to train other people to builderin window cleaning companies. Free, yo, self in the rap race and build this business, you make more money doving that, ne? Wh max clean in the windows, yo, goingon up the knowledge, cuve the feather out the more an expert you are. And this two things the people need to think about you, the have a very broad market for something candy boss. W then you ve got sell massive sky and is really haart o you go through an area that has a very specific group of users, bias, whatever. And particly once, the have a lot of money ss go back to the house. Siide ar again the guys speculating on houses. So this two B house specs this the guyio gallows hustling and renting the out find in the cheat bar gein do in the oup renting get in the cash flow. Doing that an TH is the guy who's bouying a place for 10 million, make it ultra luxury and selling it to the billion as and flipping att für 50. That different in the returns is staggering YHY. Because WN group is price incensive infight. The more expensive is the more they one set. The other group is trun to compete wit everybod else, you know, the two bedrom appartment in the sissy, right? This thoands of th bning donutm sold and everything else. So seur point Alia, the retens aless. But now if you thing super high end thn, there is a define group of bias which you probably no the moe personaly you can counced to that taste and i have unl mist. It money wast. The big thing is in it. Like who you solving the problem for couse? You can clean like Doroth Thees, Windows lives in a bon glow and plymouth o, you can clean Google Windows and theat. You get big a contract you get garantted work. Pol Atheninict mo Windows the clean, it's doll one contract I's do one sow'the. Same skill, that same skill that i gonna pay. Yo lot more and sor think I w find not bit missing when talk about Likeco B, the like who to your to people that moe price and sens and people a trying to celty th super defined Tom Billio, who we betirth k now tomes the good friend yo ar re he mades is money because the wit a bries in hbrid protein kisogenic fields and it was difficult to have that snake base. People stle have a sweet toh, but the co t have sugar. So hem man is paulness build quest, which is now everywhere. So what yo found is a trend. This is really, really, really important is you find a trending moken where people ar underseredd and ol pair lot of funy cas it health. It's like welh and health pale pay fortunes industry and seeu mke fortune very quicky. No, now it's a satu rise. A mokettss. I is not th easy, but this is the other key. Keyhing is if i ve go a clean slate do onant thing follow a trend. A sec. A trend. A second trend is a long term trend. Something is happening, right? So everything is being digitalies. You road that trend, right social media with new from of 2000 ze. Right now it's a saturated malke and we go ar coming on. But you road a secular trend in the hyper acceleration phase. That's why you did. Well, so you look for trend that big, meaningful, improvable and usoe skillss. And that we ve seen something in America. I don't it, feu. Just so the trend, finally the ab beasty numbers tick down y first time in fünfifzig years obast the stes, the fulen us, right? This is am pic effect. I it probably sometedy effect. My believe is, the more people wit take an pick the moe. Th iy is th think about dought not understand that something wehen wrong for them. And my guess is there is going to be hugge opportunies in not trend to woods healt theating. The other one is in increcily AI driven online digital world. This two things i go happened. One did the rise of digital communies. You see this? I what you do? I say whert i do? They become more am more important communities online theat meaningful for people. The other is the intive flipside. I spend twveve a down. Sieben calls. What is the most single valueable thinings to me? Nature. Nature and experiences. So let's I your that person that loves the out doors was's st a guiding company. Your job is noomout the robots and i time sin sho. You ll have drones with you. Sa youtake fa grophs to the guess your going wayh all look for animals. Whatte haver your doing? You be leveraging technology. B your job will not be replaced. What i'about to say is a mishmmash of ideas that came to th is your speaking. The first one was how i spot a trend. And when i say theat, I mean, how do I feel in the moment? Because the tren that you capitalized on in the tren that i capsuleize don on the feel a su and way at the time and her tokening about like how disruptive the contra wha people will satu you that to you you and and w that as w you toe toout how right now in the world we live in betting on things like nature. A good idea. And i shed a post on my link th about exacty this i sad my investment fund is backing two things in amoument ar an automation and exactt of b i because i've sol this vavido of people i i th us cafee and Amsterdam, who come now every week no phoness, all loud they read books in theynt i this cafee and Amsterdam is like explog ou put the videy of th people on the screen forant to sey. And i made me realize not that overlapse with what too bilionr friends of mindset to me in private thy said the a bilionr that investin na the investin in crypto. You probably now w them i the invest in psychedelics, the that to me if youe Investor, RHT now investin in Aif, you can. But if you can investin in entertainment and community because in a well dev i wer productivity so high and we maybe move tould some form of universal basicingome wit the government just hands people, money. Peoplemm have so much free time on man hands that I can a need something to doat they he ha to me. This is why yo sining this rise in people buying football clubs an the sporting franchises, because that's when that community and THT entertainment at a same time. So i thron all ofot you. Yes, the equal on opposet idey is, i think, very importance. I just cane bad von three weeks off roading in Zambia, living on at tense on the roof of a toy, a lang cruiser that is offroad prepared. I'going out and the total wilds i i can express how in the present you become how it cleansis your mind from all of the cluter, all of the things yo warrior about the bro car, the whatever is goving on online in the politics and all goes and a all becomes about. I wake. Oup. Who'gonna met the coffee? Who'gonnaout the fire on? Who'gonnad? You know? And so the more time we spend online, the more we desperty cravve, i sort in the KE in islands where i live, soat's a carbean island and it was 2000 undanzig. And the world ha't really recovered thith the high inflation people wher blouesing jobs ever was really on com toith the economic situation, it was pain forul for loer people wher are record tourist season. I'm like what the hell's ganing on here? Normally, disction resping goes down in times like that. And i realized holidays I not become disction resp they becomed necescessity as a reaction to work from home. If you on yoy wy not home working for altel po company o diing whatever I con of filess w lonely and so you stt seeking out like mind a people have like minded thes now that could bey sporting teams, i co do so bey tow. I love us because you hapens have a shown you love it. I you'd talks other people around the world. You k ne have no border. This is this bogy idey of the network states where you can' create large groups of interesest, sove you look at the larges group of interesest in all of social media. Sa yo, crypto why? Because we feel like out costs when new to something wher somethings happening. I we you want to get togeth? Thuse you speak to your friends that don't care thy ire'tnow what you'toking about. But you think th is mus existciing thing you evver se so yo, you will aggregate online without TH. And this w rise a people thinking they need to the security of working for Lodge Insurance Company, whatever it maybe your ho life getting paid and retaring as gone. Which is why the rise of your podcast success be is. People seaarching for ansces, new solutions they w and film they form caninses arded I w to shado, or I idees share th as stresss and stranges. This is becoming bigger and bigger. A more solified. And the moe we go int to AI. The more will see that now this another player in is game, which is the ieelf we ready see the rise of AI. I fallw severaln on X word an AI posting. But it's they faing to to a break free. It's got character mok Andreas and accie back it by senn a Bitcoin to developed business planments. This'crazy stuff guy on with the. But soone, if you think what you do is communicate with people to an audience, want to many. That's a verial business model. It fr town square. So the soken Marrakeh. It's the same things. A storytel talent to a agruppe people. And you have a shade experience. Where we going is on to one. And you i'm developing a a row video board where you can just have compversations. Liht this with, ne? Once a one i is train on all of my information, all my YouTube, of my writings, all of my twitter, all the books ie red, everything. And so it's essenualally a replacement wes beeaking to may buty onot rawbout thing will keep me fort. But the reason why i have in train the steven bout even Th my team of settle. This is aod idea i is because i wonder if people car about steen or they just want the information and and a world whery you can get the information from a variate advanced large language model. Like the ChatGPT one un whatef I go why with they want it from me when you can get it from the entrity of the WD. Like trust, OK? You build trust. That's wt you build people come to watch you and your incviews because they trust, yo. So people na yo is a entrepren in one are of my life. And they come to me for sa business advice. Le say. But if you could get business advis from Steven O you can get i from Steven Elon Steve jobs. Every business person in the wd to see youren specciific problem. Why wult you just want Steven point to vieiew? Because wh humans on? I justust w a aus you that question and the wen believever. If stave jobs casy dead. But yes, that so coming. OK, i long is that windo go a lost wher people will user Steven BT vs. The welld'great to sex. But everything it texket. But'some pele to adjusted that but with in 10 year may that's not. But i me little bitth, this ive youeing character, non noboy has character. AI Bulilds bots which ar Characters, liht anime characters and the really specific like the cool kid who the bulliat school that I fancy so of thing hunder 50 million conversations. Th theis sommery anomy on hero figures 450 million conversations. I it s young people Ifu gon to Reddit. I thing is ou character ray. I they change the model. No upbraowl. It doesn't love me like it used to people building personal relationsts with le things atat scale. This is TikTok happening allivever again. But iu'te ud to sat and I'm te ud to sat. I stumble therosss and m holy shit, this is happening all over again. Is something that we will just thin is the most ridiculous orful as socialally toxic thing in the world is about to skyled to the billions in France of eise. I moral talkat chat g PC in how we can get knowledge ad bet when acc. Yo, the big proppen toolve is teenge learn ins. How disruptive you think ai'going to be this it ho way put this. It is the single greateist innovation of humanity ever. The onlything the comes close is probay the splitting of the atom. This is so big. Everything wee talk about is base. Don'sgesive knowledge. Why the lo is get payda lowkeive knowledge. Eat isgesive knowledge, gesive capital. Th is two things. What eve created is infinite knowledge, right? Knowledge is now wh zero? No people, the count set y at this gonna be wh zero? This is like water. What the hell is that man? And it something Yonow. It'sp it will com on to laser. But this is happening really face. It's gonna break the ent t economic model for good and for bad. It's gona change are understanding of house aß sorty functions. What humans do? It's got a change of understanding of what humans a and will be because you can neata have the choice and the sor. Yo will take th theat two parts. You we theergge with the machines or you re reject the machines. We are going to worards too differ species. One group like we had fort betutn years. I thinkd years we ha the under toll man and homos sapien i we dod out. We will have people herho willul atly reject this. I woul have other people who will be ambretting neuraleanans in that brains. And using every path of this to enhancem sells wherarie. In thegl googlees. So the gety of mes willo'you, embeddd your brains. You've now meure with the machines int toing youe now a super creature. And i know the souns science fiction. But this is happening fa than any be can emmaine so it so understand the issuess. We have even dealing with summer. This things is humans think in a linear a fashion. We cant of understan a passive timeight. That's how we think about things. Every year is a same amo a time the ges forwards an never accelerates my passieive that accelerated or slow anation. But i is. No, it's a constant. The problem is withings a go exponential. I is the keep doubling every ya or tripling everea before you know it. Every growph. Look like this str u just go stright ou verticaly? No. The issue w is with this technology is it con of an exponential square. It's happening so fast. And the faster AI becomes powerful. Is the mor is usedd to create AI? Which create more? It's souls. Itn problemsht wenow prepared for superbaing. That solves. It's own energy problems, compute problems. And housewg proveate model as a exponential rate. You look at the speed of innovation coming ou of openi and a alllpaace per pexy. Everyboday. It's Lugrss. Every three month. Everyth changes. Complety changes. Weathererre is video modtals wather is spoken models or weater it. The models themelves in what they do. Amen. That nuw king every stlls up the trice to builder business. No company your're big John pharmal company. Your trends of usi. You comp plants of flagca. You can se post six mons. I mean, breig going into world. Tht is incomprehensible when you seat that muchver societes. W a functions an is based done thty of knowledge. I reall think we sh to make that realople. We that the knowledgeingut go her in the mooning safe think about myy today. I this mooning and my exact the seaears, my company, me, cole, liv Simple business decisions and I replied to them donan I got a cal and I jove here th's knowledge at ino the day it's someonee seing with to iyes my drive outside sees with TW iyes and drives me her. The big istloye think in the theig is w of professional welld. Th is driving and that'knowledge based if you god is su Francisco now the way caluse to driving them south. This no driverndom you can got. You can book a that take you from a be in San Francisco right now. That has a no driver. I theatn'got here. I'what my doing? I i m sharing. I guess, where androbing to find knowledge into share knowledge. I think about I hold day day the after this som'm gog speakon on stage to shen knowledge. I i don't antan in that will knowle ige oke to thn do that. The next time you ganing around londonno any sety look at the window myself and Gillian betl. He works wit may do this. All the time is goy round. Say what job is cann a ver a place by robot or the ai. One thing is in Manhattan. I i just look time i is in anober bod driving u tan to down town. I look arround ino. Holy shit. Every hoe here is a professional driver. This ft. Shenow people, yo driveingo the city, the ge, the officeal level, al rght tht soul over drivers, limit drivers, yellow cap drivers, delivery drivers, truck drivers, o go. And this stacks u in pretty much everything you doe and that'how, disropive it is. And when the things that created value, the services economy and the manufacturing economy don't need humans, OK? What thap man? Amazon Al ready employees more roybo and humans now the robots work as a days, se days, a week never take a break, never complain nevever als for pay rise ind thatt cheap every ye w'no con that so für die forn Hal million peoplehiting them sous as theyless interest ja, what ADV can we includiing myself? I'm now actuisteing myself of ve god benest because i just i see opportunity all thse things and i THKs you can of have a choice when you he information like this, you can neher leat the cognitive dissonance getver overwl you and andan reject i whaich shul lo people beating noth sag grow you'wrong this is k not go happen you wrog your scamgry that what one grippe people beeding thether Grippe people be, i guess, open mindd and the thirdgrpe people will be leaning in to see with the opportunity here lie and o come down to your like disposition as a human are you sct? Are you excited or are you paralzed? If something is so clar, gon to be your the not theize as in you gonna die but youur card we doing things go to befce to change well, you can heatherer find i dis us ben different w it we can inves i thise ba to the questy which is? How is it feel in the moment when i trend th coming in usy there is culture arounded sof your rem membember i talk about what i godingo finance th was goldden gecko, the film wall streets do a books coming right? Do is boberian the get to famous stuff happening i became cultural and that usely tell show it is now become a trend that's going to be persistent. If we think abouts the rise of software and technology, the culture of Silicon Valley and the mythology arounded become someth theat everybody WCE support of cric currencies. Anotherone has a mythology. You see, people getting rich has this feeling of being outsiders. But you, you sa ais another one. You sa online pele experare mening. You can see what's cany on IU can see everybody is stpen to talk aboutse. Doesn't me new can just by some share th that s exposeoseden. You'll be hearisly rich. Doesn t work that way. But you know something really big when you transho cr knowledge, yo, people, watch you unites, trunk glean knowledge and build the world. You, you'll heat the every single person is talking abut ths an TrN a figure, ou what it mains the issue. W is ai will billd businesss, right? So we six month away of AgiC ai an agenttica. Ar means it's like having fiver a website ev experts that you cannok any question. And i we'go wayhen do the talsk and by using a number fünf a experts, you can build online business. Wel theat agentic? I will do that very, very. So design the website code, regist the domain, name the branding, f the marketing, fig the email list figura. Wha the the whole thing? So thean you aning composition? Now you bils incredible new websn is at new supplements thing. But I a cool website new experience coun day. Whatever i is, right? I's go ai and it I just go to my ai and sa love Staves website can is is buil id, but a make in hiny as welk th think ths a big markett. They what? You think it's a come back, say no hiny. I think THS an unders suturated market in Indonesia. Bom ths minutes what how com beyond entreprws in software. So now this this theorying aroat iOS go with software. I I caning get it is i can build anything in seconds. So and again, wtherca do it six mons o 12 mon it of that magn shild what the held is that man? But y thed he'learned guiding in the jungles of leats an America and is building a luxury lodge for people and you some eco tourism. W'give a shit ab bany this? It'so interesting this idea that we might be at the claps of the digital opportunitcy in essence Beca Ona the digital opportunity'm token about content create. I'm token aboutpaise that billd you the I'ming abutku peopingock andort. The colape of the digital opportunity, and not the val is all con arute. Thisse bigit off tech joiants. O the ai imaginef this is the moe and history werhere. Actually the best play walls to go be build the backpacking company in. I don't kno the him is whatu maybe like that. The opicina 'not scalable. Yes, you can do it and find people will spend more tht to go back to early a compensations. People spend a love money on nett. So it's quality attention. Everything in the world is attention. Attention is utreing ev everything. So you get the attention of these people in a rain forest, they want to spend money on doing thst particular thing. Fantastic. How scalable is it difficult be and people management not like software RHT Theot. But you can do very well and not be canerne about this other world. How is one investing? AI something thy thin about lot? Because i believed the things you SAP blieved many your predictions arout abut around the impact that a go to have on the world the economy on allive us. And as somone tht's investor wann like take po in no aunw at take party upside for wodering, do i just go bei Microsoft stockptocmb. Bei Google Stock gemin the mod. So he is the propm, the financial system, the average person watching TH has no chance of making the money the make no mor returnse. Not superno mor retsense. So Microsoft is whatever ist TW thre trad in doar company. What? Wha could dippy worh who know tentraly and cinquante try. Thesn't really master al right? That's a f x. What the most revolutiony technology the welld is eversey neu. Make five toime the money. Th's no bitut somedy elaltse inv vc or early. And someway shaple form or the on entrepreneur, we make all of the money. And this is the thing i don't like about the system as i is. It's can of reak agains the on repers person. So we can have your jobs replace, yo, cann have a change, and yet they don't get a chance. So yes, invest technology. Don'tnow t any other stes. Own technology and yo will capture sommemer. This youur re investing in. Yo own demized a least you get some high callecy ret ##ut otherises therey w i can come out with again, i we refer is crypide. What is cryptinime? Crypto just a technology. It's a looter things to many people just a database that s better than database is in the post. So right now, your database make bey news threshy and le's a you i have a betdu you writht i down? No, i we get third person to say, yeah, that'is the betd thy hadn this is w's happen, okay? That is how databases that's banks as pre much. Everything we do in susys in this ledger system, it's cold go case w may maybe good way to conlainness is is a bank. And inside the Bank, which is ag guess the middle man, you god money. So co yo explaine it's me to the context of this WCAL of the central bank, how the system currently works as a relate to transactions the public ledger etcger. So, OK, in the old world, we bet that ou gold yh i we sticky in all safe, o bar it in the ground that gold with your god, this is my gold th I mgy trum fight e for it w pirate that OK, I and them me in vend banks and m banks we put in no, and iy give you note to say, Steve, you've god one TH coins round you got onner TH coins, Okwe breirth go unnote now saying no, i now we trust this bank, too give us our coins. W me WDM that our coins I can the mke sense a safe is a bank as people would say ys youe is is in this world of smoke a mirrors, what's is fraction reserve banking. They ha taken Th is coins. I give sommer thve give in my coins somoneuse. Ye theve lad for money. So now th coin is no in. But they beIN give in the money. So usy when, yo, if every pulse or the money out, thesn t notoug money is calul a bank run. We seen no reasonly by. That's a classic thing. Sot's not you money because you rena actuie ownyal money. The momenty poent in the bank. What you ve become is, yo, thanks a dete to the bank credit sorr a credits in the bank. See, ve len th money. And you get some legal redress. That if you ve got lesson a 100 youur is pants wver. The currency is genery. That's protective by the government. Thef the bank goes bust thn you ge money back anth beu? No any but god peace paper. Sh. You don t own anything now. It's so baigs a problem the zwein. So that 2000 zwöl European crisis. Exacty. This people didn't own that money. That person walks soft. W theat aster bank frit. The bank didn't have a no bees goting money. Wheray all got nops. The same ponzi, same. We co toasts baut when neve got you bouy house and news. The cash floig to byotthher house. Toother house, right? Somely take whay what's no is the clatraal somny. So go. But this she was I she bigger just zwei. Her natht prooved another thing. Is that no. B the on anything? So the whole system i self is leveraged. So forample, backing that time, the average US goverment bond, which is the safe ASG in the world, was leveraged upso und dreiig time. What is that me? That means thty people the that was th. Oh. So i say theat this is the bank in fr of us, the sucase. And it had one coin in. When we pu that one coin and it created th coins and gave out th pieces a paper. So th action, yo, we coin in the bank by they mete th pieces a paper. That's o weling. Good, if the clutl the thing thatt suure don thein o is poolse by one person. If you wit a leer new original lendern, you get at out and something happens than all theseint another paper like i want my coin back does't exist, doesn t exist. We made we create thein we we gav yource ofer but the no coin backing y und the issueay that one issue with the banking, the other isue is is pri much. Everything we day is crate id on this is calold a ledger System, a ledger with invented in the renaissance. In the 1005 hun 1004 hunderts. Wher what wuld happen is you have this on account. So balance sh. You have this jule entry leDs. And what i is basically saying is i agree with you and off theom, wh have a third party agreingm? If she is, is that's knowness the boizon toime generals problem th shiff philosophical mathematical proble that has been unsollvable un Bitcoin camelo, i what it is, is w are generals on a wall. You are way wave on me. We can t communicate withachther. But i need to sense sommit i is hell you someth ##Y do i mayke go to a noy theut. Had you know? I have t bright the noy to. I see that all we say weit accounting firms and oditts. We sae this in everything. This alway, one of these trusted parties that is not trusted. The bank classical trusted counta appulsy thy main op tred we sor w silicon valley bank recasently in the US. So what blockchain dead? Really clevery. W ha? OK, wh the w solving this is get tho tense of thousn millions of people's confirmed. OK, throw ifuin here, Flo. This is hyperhecal blockchain max planin to me the difference between the bank we yo so and this blockchain. So this blockchain, so this, let's says, a Bitcoin thisloug on the blockchain is confirmed. Why every other part of the blockchain, wh sh is all the comps th that so this mathe mascul pro, we don't needs to wore about that. But what it is, is tense of that th people reporting on all of the activity so if I transfer this ownership to you, it will know that you are the ow not. You can eat that hold yourself like the gold coin as a bar asset, or you can aweso leed the custoday for you, but sol you nime. So if i w ascend you a Bitcoin, how at tens of tho the people or hunger the tho the people confirg that that transaction is legitimus without a middle man checking? So there is sensly taking a snip shall of the blockchain and they will have to grey itol the consenus mechanism. Theno actually the agree w theuse is agrey ie theuse a checking yh o the blockchain it self will say was that doesn t grey with olyotthers net rejected? No, how block all get rejected Andtil resolvedke this a problem her and that's cald consensus. So what your doing is a multi pony consenus that this is truth. So now w ie created is what a friend ofcal the security truthishing. So at first we will k not for Bitcoin, I can k own a Bitcoin it app proven i in the Bitcoin, i don't need thanyboutd is a tell me i in the Bitcoin because it s public, clean, agnologable, and verifiable on a blockchain its immable, which mains com be brod. Okay? Bs this is werhere gets really interesting is we'sonly find that of the invre of the small contract. So right now let'say wehere 2000 and this a contracting here, Yes, i've sen one bitcoin to raw. Okay? So this is the world pre Ethereum, okay? The world post Ethereum would say I'm gon a san raw one Bitcoin. If the sunshine thzehn daysn row in London and something us happens, whate evvery is, and i automatitically settle verified on the chain because theistn computers and th code in that to make the settlement, OK. OK? So, oh, wel and good, ne? Yo, weness, wha that main shell what it mains is theat everything we do as humans is actu sh contracts me tuningy up hair today a co literaly, everything wee is a contrad. Every ticket you buy, every purs you make, everything is a contraste house assty functions, money a contract. Money is a contra goverment a contraste religions a contract. Everything is a contract. It'how we create a social construct and social order. Now, what we can stt doing is using this very powful chain, I'm pudding other stuff. Ho it the first random thing that ke on it. Wh I'see ou cuuse it valable could NFTs non fungible tokens that single pieces ofo that pas store thre I'm we can have ownership. B that's really experimentation. Really your tayilr swift concert tickets com bey chain. Why? Whad yo do that? Because now this is solve theother big thing that didn't exist. We talks toout before in a digital world, everything ghoes to zero invalue surrow was the point a this is is just like CLO cloud storage. Just ghoes a zero in cost, no casuse. What w iit created is digital scasty. You can only create a certain amount. We a make that one asset be that one asset. And so theirful i com be replicated aso so now and this digital world wher everyday more digital. The next w'crated scasety. And scasety is what gives value. So humans asign value to and not meansgesesstiveve knowledge means that knowledge with valable lo is cu not Dominic people com at los golder. Now with I no valable solstening. Und w the blockchain it s this public caningive it as this database in the sky. And the database in the sky is checked by everybody who has that computer on and as interacting with a database in the guy. So, you know, long an need a government or bank checking the transactions and the contracts in a database in THS guy. Because now ol of o computers that are on interacting withher are in the background checking that if in you, w Bitcoin, if I do something on database in theky, it is in aordn wit the history of the database and it is in lin with that database yt and to make it lest complicated, it just makes at a sou of truth, OK? And a wells wha we Don Ev annow who w is who online? Who us? Each other walt any of these things we have sacer truth, the every bely can a grill and ever on can t say and everyboy can't say and you don't newe just an neerdy. And so that is a technology soulve. Many things prompen of we don'ty and know we ve god be. Is that so parts of how we exist? So the technology is not about money. The technologies abound truth and exchanging value and cretinng value in a digital age. Now, what is interesting and powerful about this technology is, we ve seen technology similar before the Internet, we ve seene broadband. We ve seen is big global infrastructure things moster Th the instant Internet wit, a public service good bro band who build private sector, we didn't get to make money outs of th things. Really Amazon made the money o who ever was building the BLM they when bus is. Well, what we've got here is is very clever thing that everybody in this block chain get reward ied for the role at they play in maintaining the blockchain. Maining the blockchain, i'm because these things a scas and let's a Bitcoin been m classic. Exemple, I ony veiún million thatever exist, you ve cratet th scess aset that is ar award system. So the people who mind the Bitcoin, the use the electricd toolved the algorithmhmen get the bitcoins to make shoul thnx fornder million w they get reward it. The people verify the chain, get reward Ied. And thean we can by the asset which is saly als investing in the future use cases of listing are people gonna useful storing wealth o building stuff? So now you get this global infotructure layer of which people invest. Now let's go back to the exempl of ai ait people listings at this on obiaator investin appo on bying sommmer this big public companies because the not a credited investors, the not leh that I get a seat and insided all of th St. This is the inverse. It is fractionizable. So a Bitcoin Yove buy one that und sech, whatever thonands is today you compoy a franction. So remember, we talk to m property and the guys when the big high am property, make all the money non of us comby the fünfifzig million dollar repartment in manhattan, I the do it oun flip it for zweinder the 50 million, no blockchain. We can all put tempe sense for pay check in. I ge thingk people shit. Yeh, and more B the pointbeying is this is the only globay homogenous assets on earth. It's the Simon Nigeria als IS in Brasil. Aso is in London, also is in Silicon Valley. Also is in India, also is in Papp new Guiny and everybody is on equalfoting. You compt the sign percentage of your worh. I OK, that is mind blowing and it byp posses the banking system, the brokerate system, all thether incompbant things that get in the way a Nigerian buying and inslaational investment. So we've God, i playing field that level in the faustice gring technology of all time in the faustice apprecesscessing assets, imp price terms of alld time in the shoulters para time. That is globaly avable to anybody and then you realize holy shit. OK, this is important now. Why that s important is? Because haveing more investors in, it mainans theat asset becomes more valable. Wulich means you more likey to secureit people want to joy in the network. Sommer thse tokens to secured the Moe use cases get builds to appponn because people a making money and it bootstrapts behaverly economics. It's anentive by system to bootstrap. The most w Diulus starts up by theil time, which is i go to intallt thropt money and crate to new Internet. I m that's love al stupid. And that what'happening w i the i runner communicad third w, which is a web th inftructure business. We ve brace qu money the company, but thy million dollars now and we have a big team and it's yo interesting for me to observve the use cases because people come to third web to builds on the blockchain and wt the really encjting use cases we've seeeno of the lost. It'say 12 months that's really explode id is is gaming people building webre blockchain based games, Because if you think about games like FIFA, whahich is a hu game of se uk where we big soccer fans ou other games like, you know, Runekate. Back in the day where you have assets in the game in fa, you have a messi cot in runecaate, you me have aauord the thing not the blockchain now enables us to do is a take thir assets from the game. And as yo trade the mot side the game. So i can, if the sold on the ethereum blockchain, even no, not inside the game, I can trade thatord onhereum blockchain. So onhen the mus exception use cases weave seen at third web is people building ar games astract people building web Thre games. Because this assets and now valables great for the game. Developer Davenow got is brown new economy for theat company and is great for the people that ow no assets in the game. Car Davenow thes asset and now more valueables, more people acc the i i doning people realize the extend toitch this disruption is already taking place people think of crypto weby think buying coins and happing the price goes up. But i is interesting, you know, everyone know is like doc you sign and Adobe like e sign and nos things iat I when on one in th the website, i think yo is docus sign, just ith shuly physical contracts shuld be o me ethereum blockchain now and no th is little paragraph on the docuss on website witich sa. As everyth time like a contract designed on docu sign, we do like that a hash on the blockchain. That's like record id on the blockchain. I for people don't even know the blockchain is now plantrated on. I'go as a management company exponetial, just a management. We invest in hedge fun. The just invest crypto to capture to this trend of going from two trillion dollars. Werher IIT is today INv value? I thinks is going to hundert trillion int's i deuxndnd quatre. OK, that's stupid, that that'more wel the th has ever been crated in app paor time on earth by what's twice? The amounts of value, the s p fünf hunt deans host you are stop malket talk to build inn years. I think wel di it in ve 20. So this is staggering that welalth whahich is why woult? Talk about why peoplehip beenbold hands ship beim bold los. I'm passionout that, but i was we of ouer investors, ou in Switzland and she is the hed of trading at wannot the soft commodity completice. So soft commodities, coco sugar con all of the stuff, agricultura commodities. And i'm like shouly, yo guys should be thinking about building on blockchain, you know, because this a losve let s of credits and stuff, the happen shipments, shicas a will all a commotcy trading houses bul on ethereum in ta mil twe chicos. So every shipment we make the shipping contract, the quality of goods contracts, the less of credit, everything is on chain. So we don't have to trust theis otherers com is full off shocks. And your dailing with countries that a not eas is a daal with SLHT. We got this veriffble souce at treath th completly revolutional ARR industry and k no beno val. If i yo Ethereum, if i yo Ethereum token yh whaich ar I do, by the way, be stacking in refusing to sell. Go much to my broth. This may who like Steve your re bit to motion about this stugh and aske if is any aß aty w we go tal hand not the fuckt u bW benefit from that and ou real simple, if we alling given chaise in Facebook, when I started, we ab will been heariusly bridge. But we didn't the v se is goter. And that i want to the public market than yo ha have a brokerage accounty have to be approve, right? What this is happening? You bouy an ahereums hoen to today. If Ethereum and U becoming bigger, i more uses youur token. Valy goes up. It's a simples that so you get participate in a intial technological revolution. Really simply from yo mobile fund, i you don't need anybody to approve. O do anything. Yes, this regulation so i simple stufflight that prere strightf for i iut um must everybody in the world the thef. We talk about how youur invest in your disruption in the future technology, OK? He is one wher you can really do it. And it's easy to toda. I calp the questions her hier than so you sad, it s easy to do. Let's to practical is. How do does we do it? I can dont my thne. I'the cool someone how ie invest in crypto? Yo, just open a crypto account? Ja, with W of the big cr fin Coinbase Kraken CR com are m gem Woha about this to my bank, M Digital bank is offering meet a by crypto on, na? Yes, you can. I you can dod why Paypal starught somewhere. I'm now con as signy know? But you will go down the journey theat. Everyboy goes down. Wha is the easy is onn ramp is the best revolute. Whatever ino t can do it. Get a feel for it's like to ownnes at the goes uppen down a lot. I'slly down when a goes down, it makes you feel terrible neu. Got a learn about howd dial with that and the because it goes u i over time, you don't do anything. And neve chosen a good quality asset that's provable as't asset notelf et a public g war Evan Emp highly like le gp lo and and you somet thinking to meember? Ral saing the bank owns the stuff on i don't ow it. And any minht say u i the magic care is unligke the bank w i count tke modeden tan grandon. I complette all on my little leger device because was a le device a le device? Is it s it's a company provide i. But what i is because this is justdress on a blockchain and think of it is like your mailbox, you can sen stuff to it, but yo connaed. Take it out. Let your EA mail som'm be count readll your EA mails. But the canury EMA mail wel that that part, this private, that secure passkey essentially w you keep that yourself and it storeed on a device. This is complicate wave diing. I and you have to go through that watches you ha to have the seed phrases that doesert this technles. You will change quiet zone y fingerprintts, face prints and a bunch wers soft. But basicaly a little USB staick will secure that yo'go puten safe. Ou going taket your nace house. So whatever is consl youur money, th is only alls an nody can take it out. I have mine on ledger, so I have my ethereum on s like smal USB stick and that USB stick is protected b like ws whatever th and what on pieces of paper in different concuntries of amment and means thatot what happens the wher am in the world who comes for me? I canway retrieve the x thd ethereum that i have on this ledger device. Ja unlck a bank w my count to get frozen by the government. W theyket empt my bank. Ne itd freeze my bank. I canno always have that value. And als so you know this u famous expl. Of the compensation of gold in, yo, United States andt been done in maney countries in the pasuse. The good thing about this magic Internet money is you a physicaly cross boder? Wat? Ja think will the ge peopleu ha to take money and diamonds and gold ou of not se germany and ou of Europe? It was hard to do her. You have do anything. It just need to a membember seed phrase. A seed phrase beiing basically a string words y so which blockchain, which coin dou think people shit investind? I have only evver invested in one. I ve only ev a back the ethereum i i think pot of my boias threat comes from the fact that w we building third web I had to window into the blockchains that people actually building the application on an ethereum wash the one and off se that lar too is wich are people than you a build blockchains on top of ethereum etccher. But für me, ahereum was just the dominant blockchain th so fam mo the US case outsde of maybe they valueke a moneycessy contract. O things, this is w this is my thy is expertise is this one thing which is as allocation. So firstly the average person watching THS is uned to w alate to this end of story, yo can start somewhere soth Bitcoin just easy to do. It's whitely available YouNow through different YouNow withis a creitdit call anything just do that. I don't k do that and do it with as much money us, you can a ford to se go down sec siezig pro and don care iect that a happened. That's wha you have to tae to see the long time 150 %. Yeah, it's included wh in that is these danceld. Then i want you to put in som money everymoth regardles surprise to build your savings in this exponential asset, the Goesapalo, OK? NI set your on the journey the you wants a figuret haw make the most money like you. I switch I Bitcoin to stat with I switch all of my Bitcoin int inter ETH in dosuse mil veinte in Ethereum. And so i just own that plusom NFTs in the i you o the bit and pieces bitery i was that and then in dos mil veent tw a the bottom with the bear markett i started to see the price of Salana seing like it, it wce to out for Ethereum. No muchht your theases i sol this massive developer communcy, passion resell and a difference in the technology, this is will basicay distribute companies the sell blockpaace. Si you look for attractive blockpaace Bitcoin, it s the secq one ethereum. It'st the world comp younow an everythy is building on up of I it'solana faster cheeper feelss, more friendly, aficient fels, more retaile and i so that and the speed of witich lake can do things and the innovation and the the Developer community mainten res salted switching in Thean, switch all of my eth outst of my NFTs w ekletteal the vault in Thecena and i ve now been switching part of Mycena into suweet se and as a disclaimer, ition Th boder the foundation but it's like the next big chosem on it's the group, the cam, a Facebook, theuil Facebook libra. So what I'm schonn a do maximize my retult, I'm am musry around. I'm passion about theis space on w it means the technology and how i in empower people, how i can change the third world, how ichange the ins Internet but the mo a mary von meiny capital and for anybody el I can hell not i me noways get I right so in your particular secrcu sons hord like look youur partt be fining ever time. But you know, maximizing your red sons but Theu wants to tate the risk dou have the band withs do that an thes of the questions we re talking about with work. It's the same thing. How much you w got dow the rabbit hole, how much time you have to invest verss the expected upside? I don'have to time. I'm spend much the podcasting building businesses and just do eing and less something sa that Ethereum usage is fol of a cliff and developersaving thn don'toutht you re gonna directionally very RHT. Will you capture the best br? No, no, w i some mother branda will get by locke someting right, but the average person so I ve this thaseis that trtt a help is maney peopp wherh this is from my own learnings i watching everybody hees fuck it out is what happen is you're given this incredible as a class and a first you do intelligent thing li Owen and Bitcoin is a math i then yo want to goot the risk cove caruse you se someedy el making more money you wo unddertand you can t, that's OK. And the bull market really hits the b is i impd when things go b on is prices, is goverscal and you will see people online signing what i made a million dollars today, car, i bot this meme coin and you will los. Yo, mind an ne will stop buing all a stupid shit. You ll go so foro the RIS curve and the when the music stops the stuff you, we, i me be what? Nothing. And the more collecy tokens we was say, ne value the ouer thing theat people do in not journey is use leverage. What is leverage? Leverage is when you boro, i more money to by more of the asset. So i now borower money to by more Ethereum, i on out per you on w more money i really gry the einndert 60 Prozen a year. Ethereum does is return sens to. I is'now god noug a make i want t make it 400, 500 %? Yeah'stupid, RIN i more havepen? Is you borr money to the slaverage futures, markets, perpetials, this a allle bunch aways at diingless ar reen boring on the bloody criticl wever. Why people will do this? And you really have an know i you'doing because the WD game? If this technology is gaing the last over time, i is gang von two trillion to 100 trillllen, you have one job not allusial tokens. One job. You can do nothing lit youur diving and you make extremely good amoun of money heout your one job is a not fuck THTT i ha have a bittef a theory. And this theory is very naïive a narrow and base. Don t the small is sample grip in the WD. It is i have six friends actution of the six i f friend. Five my best friends i meful taken different attitudes, tos crypto. And my friend, who is most haavely involverd in crypto, has made the least money and is augbly the least rich. And it's has life and i think it because of what you describe. Wher is my position? Hase been ierst in is onec coin. I don't seler and i just by more Onann I can t ##ver the lost th year, I donke mely pattention. Frankly, if you are me toologo, see the lost time I checedd what it was worth yoy what is wh actuie I strugglle to login iss beIN so long of loke the no look to they and i think mytaess ive ouut paste tay because of that, i think tht right and so youno this is all a conversation. We been having the secular trend, the opportunitcy, the skill set than is the execution of that thing than i is not the fuck it up. And what you th is not fucktp Inves got yo save phrase a self Wher no be Can youut no single point, Ailia. You've got it std privatey yourself. You have a in a loungge, wa? The top to th'probay thre o low risk and somes of the chance is th the Youkits Abandoance in the next f yeess Bitigco ethancena that pre so evonsnce to knock that socks of 80 pront de the portfolio do that and you made money neunzigzet de portfolio don't news leverage thn will will humans give yo self and did the fuck what you want. Mostl the time you're finund that theat that tem go to zero, which is funds. Good lesson an you don't care accusive made pl on the rest. But if you are that genius, w confd the thous next meme coin? No, that geniu the old invesd in lunar the lost the fucking sh th he about his bo works with who made onse of millions be anglees meme queens and the now he tell me Th exact same guy is broke. I is in a a love trouble because the mentality that make yoe going pu of this real high risk bad th'is willigt meme coins and stuff is oer the same mentality and mindseat that make you lose the thous and ex return the $10 million hum made on theer the side and i think the psychology ofve money book talks about that is wall it like case studies. Mogan Housels book case studies. The guy you like bett agains the like the contrario not made the billion is oo the same contrari and and u losing i again in the next cycle. So feel a like I've see not a lost the prom the meme coin THK it is a casino. What is good is their a time with w every the Casina make mony, right, which is unlke Aino just this trends in financial markets, no staking out has paper REt and then a lost a the stuff ghoes to zero, so that with NFTC is losws psycho. We see it with a whole buncher tokens, which is w you need be very caf love laching on. So token in just keeping hold ofver sommmery. Wn survive youur lucky your in eth th not in something else I that wasith around in dos mil sie right? It's like yo stock, so you need be caffle. Speccululation does work fa paed the time it's besser than neally lotery secketets and genery besser th in the casina, but only fa pa soms and theann you will lose everything. Somemer is gona comment to that caseino and sweep every table. And onlyt the people goo meit left with money. So just think of w that ways if you wanta have fun people. But the people you dot the most the people who live of a drenlin, yeah, rightt's the dren in jungl case, they usualy terminly online, they probably like to gamblingother ways sport bettttining it s yo know it's i not really that person, so it at trade, yes, inf you meme coins, cojoy the fun of the culture and seing the culture develop, but just keep it simple. Stupid is is why mana so drne to this ore? Thinking about the GAMBG statistics? Something like quatren gambling attics. A men andw was thinking, ha, as saveverat with like that sen of purpos community deep a question. I think man feel puy under presssure to be successful to provide theis a asl thing about wann a man does i wty should do w how you measure success that even in sports, it con of it s very competitive to be am man bitt will saes someoneha of a loonely puuit not respect is main, not very good. So ging at a feelings in the feir is and lo the bullshit ebring in your head. So some gambling is to do with that desperd need to get ahead. I need to make this work, but then it becomes some whae an addiction because of the Adreallin don a man is a very, very powerful drug. I ve we such for alld th, which is what the insinite all a ba buverly economics. This is what thy discover it. Th is you trigger a dopamine and you can make all animals do something famously skinner and the thats but humans and the Internet and like buttons and angr and all th things. So this post of that it's partly als so mailes associety is about bettining improving your proess. Gladtorial. That's a whole complicated thing of what makes men do it. But the reason for exemampl and crypts, ho it soy mail it because w driven by that need to be a bread winner. Even THW so sory move don't from that and wit seing fantastically arise a women in the blockchain space and a changing of that crypto bro culture. With that, if you follow some mit the crypto Bitcoin Twitter pages that of the confession pages a people can rriting and confess w happen to them. It s oft in really san heartbreaking hearing about this father who has three young kids on the the AG of seven, who invested in some meme coin lost it old and now his wife wantnowhere. The money is, and he's got nothing to show. For i seen is documentcheses. I even con of het of the stories in miketend network, w like my personal trainer PU 6000 pounds of his very guas money inm coin an ahen to zero and is lost to all the suricides in the bad market. When people a put too much in and neve lost a do much. There is my I thingk people donn investining crypto thy mor ise theat theve hed when theis stories or they all wann th stories. And i think, ne I this con of I a disclaimer con of a warning her wh need to be ho w this is that don't fuck theis sub theases by Bitcoin Ethereumcena. One th th trois preferly all three. And that will stop. You ging to zero b go go. It will crackuld crash. OK, that'versimen shreib be proped to hold for to maker retn. What? What Return for WBO, Talut, Yohatur, Destiny. Tr manifest her. Which your lifestyle chips. You tran a. If you tranic, get ridich quick. I wanta make load the money by next she i ww you din't do this. I don't think that is a sensible, intelligent way i living your life. You go take too much risk and you cant subseual soluse. All if is said, hey, reallison, what I w is i want in five e as time to made money to mony I that's fin m go fortiontions andasy is becaow people and they for they than fu the mental modelound price. I what you do is then you create a false comort in WT you daing b ro as is going too X and that's stop. You doing the work to make yourself test anything and thean you don't extralatinng WL i put tan grand in, and if rall'right, i'm god to have a million dollars. The hol thing becomes this em moional journey. And so trtt to stop diving it be because the bestg i can says to people is listensten tauseigig. That is not long wway ten yar, this as I close can g to chllan to hundert Trollen, right? That is a huge return now some of the coins, and that space will do a multiple of that. That s simple thase is. Why expam they asset manment complety exponecial agde w just a cap to theis trend to let. Well, i'm f staing any for hon net worth investors in insual investors. But just let them go. And that journey get the hedge fun sub take the risk configured out and do thn. But if people just do thn, gim me tenes. Just gim me tenes. And if you do it ten. Yes, new sensible yobier at take a whod chunker moneyow every fe years because it qui cyclicalt moves mayy be every fo years. And soe you can take a chun count cash in the lifestyle bank and kep moving toastycle wel as you speaking, I feig it out your price Prediction based donwe your prediction of how big the asset close will get so IU give me of time to ask ai to do the math fooul may an aß i Bitcoin hause a se market dominance, the market capital Bitcoin mo be ruffley 40 trillion the proxly 19 million bitcoins m in the price to be run tw 1 million par Bitcoin at a und fünfzigt dominants. The price pu Bitcoin wuld be tw million par Bitcoin toda we sit here. The price of Bitcoin isd dollar sof you predictiony asset class geest to 100 trillion and ethereum is 15 prot of that thean each ethereum mobile worth a hunt dollar par ethere and that w about tw. OK, what when face w i first bitcoin a firad the first ever bitcoin stratgy pieace and made a price prediction based on bo undto to ba bitcoin backing 2000 and that zehnf a first havever peace rritthm by an nebothy and i sed listen nothink its with the million dollars and i pret $200 i he som basic maths but same coly the using trends and everything. Hese und I sad I'm assuming I'm wrong by 90 %. So w the hunder granund and is cunty dollar. It's the best trad yoal ever do you in to life and noroved ans to be TR. So lettes shem that rowy a more on i m 50 % run as azig trill in dorasic class, you get for million dollar bitcoin as RHT and assuming wither is that dominance or lest dominance a Mohams. But you can see the magnitude of the returns. So that's so what? 15 x return and Bitcoin? What if you wrong? You staked soy much. If you life onnesis, you ve invested so much. If you rod money and it, what if you runabout this as i CLS, you can have predicted Bitcoin wul be so dominant. Yes, go, we can of predicted even f. Yes, s ag go that ai wit take hold thse things, comand an knowvern, change the paradim. What if you wrong? I'm investors sure being wrog is po thing. What's had is f helping sey people real vision and else wher it is await, i care my sheld this because I'm tring to bring is maney. People cross the line and unfuck they feature and all of thse things an ausmas of this questions and i go backs the simple thing there is the graph of the adoption of this. That's go a stop. We wut aither bety then how we gon assolve problems of digital dentity or contracts and a globalize world or any of th things. Without this technology, I co't do it, right? I's like a magic technology the boon time generals problem w a real complicated problem that no be at solved until Bitcoin. Maybe ar create the bet a blockchain. Maybe ar CRE about a system. Yes, ad by how longways th before we adopt THT, it's adopbe that technology. Y some consum cryptographic whatever right is ar need forit yet w we disrupting an new industry Thmoke Bing disrupted b yes, no investment comes wit that risk crypto comes with that risk. The risk that goverment to tr shut ied down evaven know theve trd its like a co cre casuse it distribute id thts everywhere. Yeah, th is the risk, the blockchain you investing becomes les valable. There is the cyclica cality of the assd the conf ful 70 80 every every fo years yo have a dil with that this the risk that you lose your coins th this all risks in the world and that's whery get pay the return so i don't there is no Sutan in is world i liven arobablistic world pref you can show me the world is can be lesital lins I you can show me a better way of dealing wh a lo the sh prom have and you can show me that the community the groundwell of individuals don'forget. This is driven by individuals. We front run the institutions. The institutions want al to investinate. But wee en ababled app pu all money before theted wee created they if I see an ne thre fact changing den war so you telling me that if I'una income right now, I should't hold theis pieces of paper that theat central bank, my bank is giving me ar shuln't keep cash in my bank account. Everybody has differ nas on not signing, don'you have way iinha look everything u so but andert grand ish protectd. So you're okay. You know, can lue and money that way. But youurn anotay. That's thement of curency. It tome take movement to reflect ONR sponsor Ws so brock to challenge of you goved in the so challengee box be floted with messages sharing the changes yoe ve experience, which is amazing. I big part of wh partant with brands like wes Beca. I believe they office something ofve increduble value that ar use in my on life. Something not s made transformtive. Transformtive impact to my life and is franklly much. The reason why quit drinking ou call challenges is like g on just about geting you stop Drinkingver. There ar abut getting you the toast to have mo agents hereve. Your life into make a better inform decisions with all of the information at hand hearing not sen. If you god involverd in the challenge is absolutelly incredible. If you din't take partt in the challenge, be do want to le more about we ohu got a us head to join weop coms ce and start your free trial today. I have a hunch that you wn't regre theement of currency. Really simpley. We talk ba in a digital world. Everything guest a zero inv valued. That is the basement. What it means is too much of something makes iat less valable. I can comout at the deslt. I will pay you anything for boutler water. Give me a million bottles the water. I pay nothingth the too muchw yo saw can the be too much money? Verwandle deine Leidenschaft mit Shopify in ein Business und Knackumsatzrekorde mit dem Checkout mit der weltweit besten Conversion. Du hast richtig gehört. Der Checkout mit der weltweit besten Conversion. Der legendäre Checkout von Shopify vereinfacht das Shoppen auf deiner Website bis hin zu Social Media und überall dazwischen. Das ist Musik für deine Ohren. Wie du es auch drehst und wendest, mit Shopify kannst du zu einem echten Hip werden. Starte deinen Test noch heute für nur einen Euro pro Monat auf Shopify. Dekorde in this weird welld, in this weird way by the basement to the basement in the OL times wash if take one of those gold coins the basement was that was leat's say one outs of gold theat. How is the Raymand, Empero? I w just snip of a little bitteter the gold you won't notice a new still value wt Trump at hand it with the one amts somedy else wod sa th she was less i ve take not slither as the empero. I live us that spencer on expose call and you veulnow got les valable coin and the country has less value. So the money is lest valablet'cool the basement, the more of id that s arround in electronicage. We just press the button and you create money. Thn what happens, the value of money goes down. So let'say people can understanded simpl is let's you go an holiday and you go to a country that has a a very we currency. Let'us be Mexico. Leat'say you re an American, you wants a Mexico? Everything was cheap because the currency cat going down but a Mexican iat I she got expensive cu the value, the purching power ofe you peso, when down i, you can t bouy much with you peso. What we doing is eversnse. Zwei the whole world all a big economies in the world hit a hun all the goverments her a 100 % der GDP and dead. So 100 % of the economic value of that country wash in deat and that mains that just paying the interest or not deat sts to become ab birden zu let'say your economy'gring at zwei prozentea let's youur interest rate with tw % wel a 100 prozen the economic growth basically Ghost to pay the interest payments can sommeredy ne a generate the moneyum but at the time corporations w over 100 % Ig GDP and deat and so w househols to thon t kno everybody was is in a deat og the financial systemh landing everybody and an o fe appol. And so what they stop diing wash really corporations and househod stop borowing is much money. They inct restricted monunny to us. So in Eas economic times, we that she be nat the boro less money. Well, hos prise go out by the basement sher yo that a say and a goverment of take on this obligations thy be massively growing that thats and they reset interes rates to zero to con of give mach chan a paying thats backing too that an night and only reasonly of they have they really risen. But theyve so got all of thse interest payments to pay for now, the US economy is wel drei hudert achthzig pro a GDP and dead staggering. Considering the size a this economy, the world the into world is 400 prozet o GDP and deat we ve gon so for beyond what is sensible anyo that is becoming creditbley fra so the management of the payments of the dead and the dead it self is the number one focus of the goverment and the central banks. Because if a allghoes to shit, it all ghoes to shit ev go a lose that savings every business couseander every goverment gouseander this ni payment of services, the resouries lose everything it is unfasble. I i no maneyople online talk about, yeah, we should just let a all go th no comprehension ab what noat will do in a world thnt in deat basicay a siebzet wipeout I every singleet and all the brits and all you savings all gee pensions and everythy. So the anscer we is, yo prince more money to pay the bills. That's you take your credit card to pay of yo credit CoD payments. Now when you control the money, you can con do that asnow ve'gontna tap on the shoulder. So what they do is they STT prin em money. A first th us to used the balance shet which man the Fedd reserve or the Bank of Evgland. O whoever would buy bones from the market and calt of basty take them of the market, so it main th with lest deatound in the market. But iy change the thing they now have something more punicius. God liquidy. You can set the gotd different mechanism that they put this ins of the system. I'basically everybody all of the central banks to doing at at the same time. And the also all in agreement that the haveed di it. And th is all driven by the aging demographics and the dead problems that iat, ol, cot and so. What wee got is every goverment having every for years or so to prince of lored money. Why for years? Because in zwei tandnht, they will reset thecher rates to zero they then when em bore of bunny the the fünfive years als and every foore years the cycle comes up an neke st injecting money liquidy. OK? So what is is all main the Arep watch Nes. I canno t know WT is hoimout. What it means is a on average your money goes down imp purching power vs. Scas assets by achtne. Yea a they views yoe got let's sa i a three % Inflation raigte you for aeven % of your money is beining dev valuedye. Your futureelf is getting power aboy elezent, right? Remmeemberry. Hed me talkd. But the future self and if you boyd the s p 500, what is it making about? Elef prozet year sof you by the s p 500. Your futureelf is no can ag get any Richard for the riske taken lockingp your money for tanhn years. Oy years. Because of this inflationcause, of this debementement. Now people confuse inflation and the basement I werd cool is the basement of currency. And so this is happening a ape. A? Yeah. Which is why w all faelings i fad. It'happening. Alles assets. Keep going out real. Si keeps going out tw off set this now what i did WCE ie realized this something I coold the everything cover a big thases is are how this all happen. What all means what's happening is basically the aging population is driving debat to gdpy is driving the goverment debat. And then liquidity is paying the interest payment. So this economic machine that the world iss become it's perfecty. Cyclical. It's perfey. Predictablet's not going away. Until we have this technological revolution, we talk to he and'so everybody has to pressement sell. So WCE i found this thinkll the everything code I Solday think? Yo, OK, if this, let's say elent brates the hurdle rates of money that out my future self is getting por a every year buy whate w investin. So i is st id dividing everything by that a n p fünf hudert doesn t make you any money real estate thn t really madte eary money, gold axie, loststry money space to maintening pututining po. I'm like, holy shit, the wt only to assets in the world that out perform th technology crypto. The nat doat musing? Yeah, crypto ding 150 pluscelandus and turn fünfti. Yeah, even width drei hundertzig roawdowns. So this is what got me to change mind har investing game from bing a broad based investor with, you know, a balance portfolio to, OK, there s ony two betts in the world. The literally too betts in the world technolog encrypto and the nasdaq is dann neunenta noventat verss bitcoin sind 2012 com muchge yove your personal money, yo, invest in crypto 100 % liquid net worth. And has been. Yes, hae weu don well, yeah, yeah, verry Wallve, I'not made any mae in mterkes. I i no in in this journyn'zweind. Th. So have mbo steaks. Mein stake was i 200. No bad size betting considing how ie mroven it wass in 2000. Thzehn wars. Iw woroven I wass andp wehen top five something in the first three monthts. And me buying he and I'm the best investor in the world is is amazing than it fell prozen. I i m like i had this long ter yo ar is gain to, and that i would just not look at the price I shouling and find. And thean TwNd 17 it was now TWF o ouht tw vex, which was amazing, ou never had a back up tennnel vex, and the was some we stuff ganging on th was another Bitcoin. I go ab the code aben forke and i m was a un understanless ange zeit my money so that was about March ApRD sieb. Byember it, i hit it a gonaponother tanex that yeah thn iclaped than ochen anorte in tausend and twanzig Duru in the pandemic instol that big cel for il cinquantezig so i bo it shape i sold on the w i the bo i when it sold of, if I the just hel uns my original bad id met five times this much money. And if i the listens to myself, whahich is every fo years when i have this big sell offs, you just TRN add is muchch money is possible, ou my th to times is muchch money. So i even know i got it right. I fuck th thpt take ##at that the best trade is always qual life. Yes, if your account is full quality of life, qualittive life experiences, that s the greatest trade on and continue to do that trade. And the day that i die what you mean? What is the purpose of life? Now we can get very existential abound stuff and you acc se good and the puls a low with ar an universal consistence and loth so but basicay let is am w humans is yo maybe with w got one shot on the earth. Whaher you mo is will make the best of it and people of god of remember, money is just scoring system that alunce you privileges i and people lose track of that and think money is the privileged self. The privilege is freedom. The privilege is behaond the live w wants to live. The privileges is beiing surda by the people, you know, be Surda, boy. The privilege is ben bring up a femy whatever your value system is those of the things so for me, it i lit living a nature that's probably keything number one but been connected. So whenann i ab boat a house in Spain, thes a huge cole your lifehing, I'go a security of a house that i own in nature in good climate. Okay, i'm fine. But really experiences arve a more paful. If the w a true currency in the world, it experiences yono th set ive just comeback from living in the remote wild of Zambia. That is an experience is incredibley valable se men. I don a lot of thys. That is what is all th this understanding and seeining of how the world is in the beauty in a marvel, the people understanding people and no bing fairful a people and and not thinking about cultures accept thimes of over. That's they cultlure, not's they culture as a pao culture, good culture, bad friends. Your all of th things, the is a the valable things you can't by anythm, you have to physically going spender time and beondconfable. I vo we sad. There is your comfort zone and where the magic happens. And these to venn dorams don't intersect. You have tooutot your comfort hn to feel the magic. If now you just doing life by nums do, i need money to have those experiences now. So washa the point and me doing all this, you new Bitcoin investing, focusing and sacrificing my wu need some money you don't. You can sol for it without. But I's had if your living in o hio or birming, i whae you are right to get some of th things it mike be i want be woman dry. I want gromar and fruit wedge. Whatever is doesn't master right? You can solve it by a number of differ. Wsut really for the average person say this is like if you wanta liv on a beach, you can need a become i billionairer on liven symbs o you can t got a lasast in America and liven a beach for virtelly nothing. And if you living in an intern age you can make a happened but theat more happens is maybe want a more creature, a confort. Maybe do this. Look, i don't say that we sho pay the Buddhist than master. And si we need nothing, we can reject everything. But if we break it downs to what is the feeling that i wants? Theat. You consolve it with money on without money. And you want'beat is appoined because aer the very beginning of conversation is what makes peeak plan. Happy is when a vision of theat future self and cunt stay don't mees now, if your vision of your futureelf is remember, I said i want that that pennular in Spain. Wher that family. So what the componen import that i like see, i like social life of people. I like natural beauty. I m weit someedy i love, OK, that can beolved hut from ways. But in your life, th You have to shift from the buildingone the building season of life to then the co of enjoyment season of life. I did in the middle, which wasith the lesson i learns is i ha doney investment banking in the hedge. Funom thing I theat uts th out the wht race alwasn t the rich is gone the well. But you know what i fuck can get socoe? I can liv, I can grey my olive in Almanson. I live in a beautiful house on the soth of a national park, Nera Beach Tan in Spain. I when the lottery and i sold global Macronvetor that and thp the coming ou a much bigger think is the financial crisis, and i predate they in go let of rights. And so what i found this I semi retard and us rendo by people, he wer't really stimulng ins Stimulizng. I met great friends be wouldnover conversation like this and wifle isolted and theu know you live onhen areal in if you re an entrepreneury im financial markets and seeu u going ou the buz night CL, you know, and i mht i look to that been that tanhn y is i'mht i got to got ou a this beca i m excitete by life i w entreprenuring. I love investing. I w be people who als did i. And by chan i that building house in the cam itit one of miy dreams. I wce house on Tropical Beach. I love diveing all this stf and that wasith the signal to may to go fuck, hat I moving to te i i starceted realvision and I stard, yo, entreprenise journey and net got for companies. And i'm bis you than i ever be in my life. On m very happy dowing it, but it s a chapts ar again and it ll give me the lifestyle ratche. But all so the insectual ratchet that I wantsd approved to myself. Li can do somemer th things. We have a close inst th po gss wit the lost gut leaves a question of the next guest not noing who the ag goining believing you for I've never revealed the last question in times of w're tot. But I'm canna refaale at in ths case th questions written by Boris Johnson on the question was have youer the sex on and ended the meeting haing accidenly promot theakom Experien. You know, i think I probabley have i think i probabley have a that goes back to one of my things the I'hatds a learn is house haw the difficult conversations i english i m mom doge wer ofasive we don't like drama wy WFE is Americans as sh'to me that like it s get straight ino the kill and i ve avoiy i tough conversations and so i've probably enered up in th situation. O something closed to it? No, as pue I have is w ive course have i th like but i i tr to learn is you need be more if it s a tough compversation, sh do it. Amen. Thank you. Rw i think everyboy sheul going check ouut your channel whahich i'watchd to for many, many years now. I think it the inf they channel looking for when I'm looking for advice on anything crypto related, the macro, environment, Inflation, all the things the uny channel thaty trust and it i do looking for I really really mean this w i say aß ways been news be is i think you provideded newn in away that's incoble accessible to the average person and lod thisse finance chans of very difficult to like understan the tomlogy, the con askit post that pop what yo ve done t so well is s maye all a the subject sur acccessible forvory bittey i i tine how ony millionss the people youth help toen ar rise to the stay of currency the Basement and younow suit the Mis around hat er create in save your wealth an i think that I mission thht is soy incredibley important. Beiß i lot of this inside unfortly, historically has been reserve for the leads how have you wanned definm the El leads intellectualally, or those only the people that welk in finance? I no thing what real vision is th ist bl no doen. And your you ve bin a champion famil in my life. An anica famil and my life that's w is ver excitedpeat yoe today. So thank you for you to pre that also forery watching i'ny w in trn the he onyle. And so we th this whod everything code thse syst to made people unders sude at more we ve made a holhole special rf you gos nvision go to r oion com foroul slash dory and there is all f for you guys watching this. It's the everything code the document to can readed. Watch the video, you get free. Real vision subscription, go i free to join and onnessey this sey tools and IFU don't som something aus they ai the bottom, right? The screen is ITT plus button you aus the AI the Rellvision bole explain it. Se yo, everything you need is that it's free. 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Scott Galloway (US ELECTION SPECIAL): “I bet $385,000 That They Win The Election!”, “33% Chance Trump Dies In Office!”, “Men Will Have Less Sex If Trump Wins!”
Veröffentlicht am: 04.11.2024
On November 5th, the fate of America's future hangs in the balance, Scott Galloway is back to provide a preview on the 2 possible America's Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business, and host of ‘The Prof G Show’ podcast. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’. In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as; Scott’s gamble on t...
On November 5th, the fate of America's future hangs in the balance, Scott Galloway is back to provide a preview on the 2 possible America's Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business, and host of ‘The Prof G Show’ podcast. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’. In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as; Scott’s gamble on the election outcome, how Trump’s victory could reshape US tax policy, the impact of Trump’s health on his presidency, and how Trump’s victory will affect men’s sex and relationships. (00:00) Intro (01:39) What Are You Thinking About At This Moment (04:54) What's Happened For Us To Get To This Point? (10:47) Personality For Presidents Is More Important Than Ever (15:16) What Has Trump Done Well? (18:29) Trump On Joe Rogan (21:46) Why Are Men Choosing Trump (31:16) What Is That Trump Is Saying To Make Young Men Vote For Him? (39:08) Trump Speaking His Mind Is A Super Power (40:47) You're Judged By The Character You Build (42:16) We Should Move Away From Identity Politics (49:31) The October Surprise (56:46) Who Will Win The Election? (01:03:37) Emotion > Facts (01:05:54) People Seem To Have Forgotten What It Was Like When Trump Was In Office Last Time (01:09:57) Russia And China Are Using Social Media Algorithms Against Us (01:16:06) Does Age Matter In This Election? (01:19:56) There's A 1 In 3 Chance Trump Dies During His Time In Office If He Wins (01:20:19) Trump And Elon Musk (01:24:40) What Happens To America If Trump Wins? (01:27:45) Does Trump Have A Higher Likelihood To End The Wars? (01:32:09) Why Scott Is Writing A Book About Men (01:36:38) Scott's Thoughts On The Pornography Debate (01:45:00) The Guest's Last Question Follow Scott: Instagram - Twitter - Website - You can purchase Scott’s book, ‘The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Success’, here: Watch the episodes on Youtube - My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: Follow me: Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs - linkedin/doac Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Moment 185- The One Thing You Should Never Do Before Bed: Dr Cheri Mah
Veröffentlicht am: 01.11.2024
In this episode, Dr. Cheri Mah, a renowned sleep physician and performance expert, delves into practical strategies for enhancing sleep quality. She addresses common habits From how you can use sound to help you fall asleep, the ideal room temperature and the potential downsides of evening showers. She even shares snack ideas that won’t disrupt your sleep but will curb late-night hunger. this conversation is packed with practical advice that will leave you feeling refreshed and recovered. Li...
In this episode, Dr. Cheri Mah, a renowned sleep physician and performance expert, delves into practical strategies for enhancing sleep quality. She addresses common habits From how you can use sound to help you fall asleep, the ideal room temperature and the potential downsides of evening showers. She even shares snack ideas that won’t disrupt your sleep but will curb late-night hunger. this conversation is packed with practical advice that will leave you feeling refreshed and recovered. Listen to the full episode here: Spotify- Apple - Watch the Episodes On Youtube - Cheri Mah: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit