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Der The Zen Studies Podcast Podcast
Der Podcast "The Zen Studies Podcast" bietet eine tiefgehende Erkundung traditioneller Zen- und buddhistischer Lehren, Praktiken und Geschichte. Dieser einzigartige Podcast, geleitet von Domyo Burk, einer Soto-Zen-Priesterin und erfahrenen Lehrerin, richtet sich speziell an Hörer, die sich für die spirituellen und philosophischen Aspekte des Zen-Buddhismus interessieren.
In jeder Episode nimmt Domyo Burk die Zuhörer mit auf eine Reise durch die zeitlosen Weisheiten des Zen. Sie beleuchtet zentrale Themen wie Meditationstechniken, Achtsamkeitspraktiken und die faszinierende Geschichte des Zen-Buddhismus. Domyo bringt komplexe Konzepte auf verständliche und zugängliche Weise näher, sodass sowohl Einsteiger als auch erfahrene Praktizierende wertvolle Einsichten gewinnen können.
Der Podcast eröffnet neue Perspektiven auf die Art und Weise, wie Zen im modernen Leben angewendet werden kann, und inspiriert dazu, innere Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu finden. Mit einer klaren und einfühlsamen Erzählweise lädt Domyo Burk die Hörer ein, sich auf eine persönliche Entdeckungsreise zu begeben und die transformative Kraft des Zen zu erfahren. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Zen-Buddhismus und lassen Sie sich von den zeitlosen Lehren inspirieren, die den Geist beruhigen und das Herz öffnen.
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Letzte Episoden:
290 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field 8 – Realization: Direct Experience of Reality-with-a-Capital-R
Veröffentlicht am: 29.12.2024
The eighth Field of Zen Practice is Realization, gaining a direct, personal experience of the truth. Realization helps you respond appropriately, allowing you to live by choice instead of by karma. Even more importantly, it gives you a larger perspective that can result in equanimity, even joy. There are different levels of truth, and the Dharma – Reality-with-a-Capital-R – is the biggest truth of all. Fortunately, it is a wonderful and liberating truth to wake up to. However, it’s importa...
The eighth Field of Zen Practice is Realization, gaining a direct, personal experience of the truth. Realization helps you respond appropriately, allowing you to live by choice instead of by karma. Even more importantly, it gives you a larger perspective that can result in equanimity, even joy. There are different levels of truth, and the Dharma – Reality-with-a-Capital-R – is the biggest truth of all. Fortunately, it is a wonderful and liberating truth to wake up to. However, it’s important to understand that there is no “Realization” you can attain that means you know everything. The truth is infinite and there is always more to awaken to and embody.
289 - Ten Fields of Zen, Field 7 – Opening Your Heart: Self-Acceptance and Non-Separation (2 of 2)
Veröffentlicht am: 19.12.2024
This episode is the second half of the seventh chapter of my book-in-progress, The Ten Fields of Zen: A Primer for Practitioners. Listen to/read the previous episode (288) first, where I talk about the importance of Opening Your Heart and how that effort is viewed in the Buddhist tradition. In that episode I also discussed the four Brahmaviharas – goodwill, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. I finish the chapter in this episode by covering self-acceptance, practicing with the real, h...
This episode is the second half of the seventh chapter of my book-in-progress, The Ten Fields of Zen: A Primer for Practitioners. Listen to/read the previous episode (288) first, where I talk about the importance of Opening Your Heart and how that effort is viewed in the Buddhist tradition. In that episode I also discussed the four Brahmaviharas – goodwill, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. I finish the chapter in this episode by covering self-acceptance, practicing with the real, human relationships in your life, and Opening Your Heart in Sangha.
288 - 10 Fields of Zen, Field 7 – Opening Your Heart: Self-Acceptance and Non-Separation (1 of 2)
Veröffentlicht am: 29.11.2024
The seventh Field of Zen Practice is Opening Your Heart. Working explicitly to open your heart not only benefits other living beings, it puts you in accord with the Dharma and supports all other aspects of your practice. You work on radical self-acceptance to make Awakening and compassion possible. You work on real and personal relationships with other beings – overcoming your social fears, becoming more willing to be seen and known, learning to be authentic, and recognizing the Buddha-Natur...
The seventh Field of Zen Practice is Opening Your Heart. Working explicitly to open your heart not only benefits other living beings, it puts you in accord with the Dharma and supports all other aspects of your practice. You work on radical self-acceptance to make Awakening and compassion possible. You work on real and personal relationships with other beings – overcoming your social fears, becoming more willing to be seen and known, learning to be authentic, and recognizing the Buddha-Nature manifested in others. Ultimately, self and other are not separate; in practice, you seek to manifest and realize this simultaneously.