The Long Thread Podcast Zusammenfassung
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Der The Long Thread Podcast Podcast
Im "The Long Thread Podcast" tauchen die Hörer tief in die faszinierende Welt der Textilkunst ein. Jede Folge bietet spannende Interviews mit angesehenen Spinnern, Webern, Stickerinnen und Faser-Künstlern aus allen Ecken der Welt. Die Zuhörer werden auf eine inspirierende Reise mitgenommen, bei der sie nicht nur die kreativen Prozesse und Techniken der Künstler kennenlernen, sondern auch ihre persönlichen Geschichten und Leidenschaften entdecken.
Der Podcast bietet eine einzigartige Plattform, um die Vielfalt und Schönheit der Textilkunst zu feiern. Von traditionellen Handwerkstechniken bis hin zu innovativen, modernen Ansätzen – hier kommen sowohl Liebhaber alter Handwerkskunst als auch neugierige Entdecker neuer Trends auf ihre Kosten. Die Hörer erhalten wertvolle Einblicke und praxisnahe Ratschläge von Experten, die ihre Erfahrungen und ihr Wissen großzügig teilen.
"The Long Thread Podcast" ist mehr als nur ein Gespräch über Fasern; er ist ein liebevoller Blick auf die Menschen, die hinter den Kunstwerken stehen, und auf die Geschichten, die jedes Stück einzigartig machen. Egal, ob man selbst aktiv in der Textilkunst tätig ist oder einfach nur die beeindruckende Vielfalt und Kreativität dieser Kunstform bewundern möchte – dieser Podcast bietet für jeden etwas und lädt dazu ein, die Welt der Fasern mit neuen Augen zu sehen.
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Letzte Episoden:
Melvenea Hodges, Traditions in Cloth (classic)
Veröffentlicht am: 02.11.2024
Melvenea Hodges nurtures a small crop of cotton in her back yard in South Bend, Indiana. Besides beautiful foliage and some of her favorite fiber to spin, she tends her plants to celebrate what she can create with her own hands—not just beautiful textiles but a connection to her heritage and a source of peace. As a primary school teacher, her working days are hectic, but she and a friend have a pact to save some creativity for themselves. Although her spinning and weaving projects are ambitio...
Melvenea Hodges nurtures a small crop of cotton in her back yard in South Bend, Indiana. Besides beautiful foliage and some of her favorite fiber to spin, she tends her plants to celebrate what she can create with her own hands—not just beautiful textiles but a connection to her heritage and a source of peace. As a primary school teacher, her working days are hectic, but she and a friend have a pact to save some creativity for themselves. Although her spinning and weaving projects are ambitious, she doesn't confuse creativity with productivity. The magic happens, she says, "once we take away the element of creating for some kind of purpose and just accept that creating is a natural part of being and that it is inherent in us." That creativity takes the form of exploring Scandinavian weaving, spinning to weave a traditional overshot coverlet, or painting whimsical wooden jewelry. No matter what, though, she grounds each day by spinning cotton, seated on the floor with her back to a wall, losing her thoughts as her spindle turns. "If your life's whirlwind is whirling too fast," she advises, "get yourself a spindle." This episode is brought to you by: Treenway Silks is where weavers, spinners, knitters and stitchers find the silk they love. Select from the largest variety of silk spinning fibers, silk yarn, and silk threads & ribbons at You'll discover a rainbow of colors, thoughtfully hand-dyed in Colorado. Love natural? Treenway's array of wild silks provide choices beyond white. If you love silk, you'll love Treenway Silks, where superior quality and customer service are guaranteed. has been serving the knitting community for over 20 years and believes knitting is for everyone, which is why they work hard to make knitting accessible, affordable, and approachable. Knit Picks responsibly sources its fiber to create an extensive selection of affordable yarns like High Desert from Shaniko Wool Company in Oregon. Are you looking for an ethical, eco-friendly yarn to try? Look no further than Knit Picks’ Eco yarn line. Need needles? Knit Picks makes a selection for knitters right at their Vancouver, Washington headquarters.—a place for every knitter. Knitters know Manos del Uruguay for their yarns’ rich tonal colors, but the story of women’s empowerment and community benefit enriches every skein. Discover 17 yarn bases from laceweight to super bulky made and dyed at an artisan owned cooperative in Uruguay. Ask for Manos at your local retailer or visit Creating consciously crafted fibers and patterns is more than just a focus for Blue Sky Fibers, it’s their passion. Ever since they started with a small herd of alpacas in a Minnesota backyard, they’ve been committed to making yarn in the best way possible to show off its natural beauty. While their exclusive offerings have grown beyond alpaca to include wool, organic cotton, and silk, their desire for exciting makers about natural fibers hasn’t changed one bit. It all winds back to the yarn, ensuring that every precious, handmade hank is lovingly filled with endless inspiration.