On with Kara Swisher Zusammenfassung
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Der On with Kara Swisher Podcast
Der Podcast "On with Kara Swisher" lädt seine Hörer zweimal wöchentlich zu einer fesselnden Reise in die Welt der Macht und des Einflusses ein. Die preisgekrönte Journalistin Kara Swisher führt mit ihrer unverwechselbaren Art und ihrem scharfen Verstand tiefgründige und ehrliche Gespräche mit den einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Technologie, Medien und Politik.
In jeder Episode nimmt Kara ihre Zuhörer mit auf eine Entdeckungstour durch die aktuellen und brennenden Themen unserer Zeit. Sie stellt Fragen, die andere nicht zu stellen wagen, und enthüllt so die wahren Geschichten hinter den Schlagzeilen. Ihre Gäste – von CEOs großer Tech-Unternehmen bis hin zu politischen Entscheidungsträgern – stellen sich diesen anspruchsvollen Dialogen, weil sie wissen, dass kluge Köpfe von kritischen Fragen profitieren.
Der Podcast erscheint jeden Montag und Donnerstag und wird von New York Magazine und dem Vox Media Podcast Network präsentiert. "On with Kara Swisher" ist die ideale Plattform für alle, die ein tieferes Verständnis für die komplexen Zusammenhänge unserer modernen Welt suchen und sich von anspruchsvollen Gesprächen inspirieren lassen möchten.
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Letzte Episoden:
Charlamagne tha God on Trump, Journalism and that Anti-Trans Ad
Veröffentlicht am: 21.11.2024
Lenard McKelvey is a best-selling author, entrepreneur and media mogul, but you probably know him as Charlamagne Tha God: host of The Breakfast Club. It’s an insanely popular and influential radio program that reaches millions of listeners daily. Charlamagne has been behind the microphone for over a decade, and he's not one for playing by the rules of traditional media. In recent years he’s gotten vocal about the state of politics in the US and interviewed a raft of powerful politicians...
Lenard McKelvey is a best-selling author, entrepreneur and media mogul, but you probably know him as Charlamagne Tha God: host of The Breakfast Club. It’s an insanely popular and influential radio program that reaches millions of listeners daily. Charlamagne has been behind the microphone for over a decade, and he's not one for playing by the rules of traditional media. In recent years he’s gotten vocal about the state of politics in the US and interviewed a raft of powerful politicians at the helm including former President Obama, President Biden and Vice President Harris. During the 2024 Presidential race, Charlamagne was an unofficial surrogate for the Harris-Walz campaign, but was arguably more effective as an inadvertent messenger for the Trump campaign’s anti-trans advertising. Much like his approach to hosting, Charlamagne’s world views don’t stay within the lines of our polarized and partisan politics. He’s quick to remark on the faults of both parties and even quicker to call out the liberal media. In this episode, Kara and Charlamagne get into it all: the importance of meeting people where they are, both in politics and in media; why authenticity matters more than accuracy and how Democrats don’t seem to understand that; what “mainstream media” means in 2024 and the role of “good” journalists; how he felt about getting dragged into a hateful ad for President-elect Trump and how he thinks VP Harris should’ve responded; the line between funny and offensive; and, most importantly, how to seek out joy and happiness through it all. Questions? Comments? Email us at on@voxmedia.com or find us on Instagram and TikTok @onwithkaraswisher Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Director Jon Chu on Wicked, Silicon Valley, and Defying Hollywood’s Gravity
Veröffentlicht am: 18.11.2024
Jon Chu grew up in Silicon Valley, in the shadow of Apple Park. His father, Chef Chu, still runs his eponymous restaurant there, and Jon worshiped Steve Jobs as a kid. As a teen, he used Apple products to learn how to make movies. Now he directs some of the biggest movies in Hollywood, but his relationship with the tech industry is much more complex. Kara and Jon discuss his “new view” trilogy: Crazy Rich Asians, In the Heights, and his latest film, Wicked. They unpack his memoir Viewfind...
Jon Chu grew up in Silicon Valley, in the shadow of Apple Park. His father, Chef Chu, still runs his eponymous restaurant there, and Jon worshiped Steve Jobs as a kid. As a teen, he used Apple products to learn how to make movies. Now he directs some of the biggest movies in Hollywood, but his relationship with the tech industry is much more complex. Kara and Jon discuss his “new view” trilogy: Crazy Rich Asians, In the Heights, and his latest film, Wicked. They unpack his memoir Viewfinder, and Chu explains how growing up in Silicon Valley shaped his understanding of technology — and how the industry’s switch towards data surveillance has changed his relationship with it as an artist. Questions? Comments? Email us at on@voxmedia.com or find us on Instagram/TikTok as @onwithkaraswisher Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Ta-Nehisi Coates On Trump, Palestine and Journalism as a “Contact Sport”
Veröffentlicht am: 14.11.2024
What role will writers play as we head into a second Trump term? Author, journalist and Howard University professor Ta-Nehisi Coates has some thoughts. The man who has been called “one of the most important writers on the subject of America today” came to the fore during the Obama era as one of the preeminent writers on race, among other things, for his 2014 essay “The Case for Reparations” and his book Between the World and Me, an open letter to his son about growing up as a Black man i...
What role will writers play as we head into a second Trump term? Author, journalist and Howard University professor Ta-Nehisi Coates has some thoughts. The man who has been called “one of the most important writers on the subject of America today” came to the fore during the Obama era as one of the preeminent writers on race, among other things, for his 2014 essay “The Case for Reparations” and his book Between the World and Me, an open letter to his son about growing up as a Black man in America. Kara and Ta-Nehisi discuss how the Democrats lost the “rainbow coalition” in the 2024 election, why America’s “special relationship” with Israel compelled him to rally against Palestinian oppression in his latest book The Message, and why he thinks journalists will need to embrace a new and not-so-safe normal during Trump 2.0. Questions? Comments? Email us at on@voxmedia.com or find us on Instagram and TikTok @onwithkaraswisher Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices