Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Zusammenfassung
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Der Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Podcast
"Think Fast Talk Smart: Kommunikationstechniken" ist ein inspirierender und lehrreicher Podcast, der jeden Dienstag von Matt Abrahams, einem erfahrenen Dozenten für Strategische Kommunikation an der Stanford Graduate School of Business, moderiert wird. Jede Episode bietet eine tiefgehende Erkundung der Kunst der Kommunikation, indem Matt sich mit führenden Experten und Praktikern zusammensetzt, um reale Herausforderungen und Lösungen zu diskutieren.
Dieser Podcast richtet sich an alle, die ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten verbessern möchten, sei es im beruflichen Umfeld oder im täglichen Leben. Matt und seine Gäste beleuchten wesentliche Fragen, wie zum Beispiel: Wie kann man spontan und klar seine Botschaft vermitteln? Welche Strategien gibt es, um E-Mails effektiv zu gestalten? Wie lassen sich komplexe Informationen einfach und verständlich darstellen? Und wie kann man seine persönliche und berufliche Reputation erfolgreich managen?
"Think Fast, Talk Smart" bietet eine Fülle von Werkzeugen, Techniken und bewährten Praktiken, die Zuhörer dabei unterstützen, ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu verfeinern. Egal, ob es darum geht, eine Rede zu halten oder in einem Meeting zu präsentieren, die in diesem Podcast geteilten Einsichten sind entscheidend für den Erfolg in der Geschäftswelt und darüber hinaus.
Durch die fesselnden Gespräche und praxisnahen Ratschläge wird dieser Podcast zu einer unverzichtbaren Ressource für alle, die ihre Kommunikationskompetenzen auf das nächste Level heben möchten. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Botschaften klar und wirkungsvoll gestalten können.
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Letzte Episoden:
167. Hollywood Lessons For Successful Communication
Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2024
Be the first to hear about TFTS Premium -> Sign up for our emailBeyond the Big Screen.Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners."Good stories win," says Small, who leads one of the world's most renowned independent film and television companies alongside Steven Spielberg. As both a ...
Be the first to hear about TFTS Premium -> Sign up for our emailBeyond the Big Screen.Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners."Good stories win," says Small, who leads one of the world's most renowned independent film and television companies alongside Steven Spielberg. As both a business leader and storytelling expert, Small knows that successful communication is built on person-to-person connection through the power of story. "Whatever walk of life you're in, you have to be able to tell a story to connect with people, to get across the message that you're trying to get across."In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Small joins host Matt Abrahams to share insights from his experience at the intersection of creativity and commerce, unpacking how effective storytelling can transform your communication, whether leading teams through industry disruption, resolving conflicts at work and at home, or creating films to inspire audiences for generations to come.Episode Reference Links:Jeff SmallEp.153 Listen Up, Leaders: A Record-Setting Coach’s Guide to CommunicationEp.35 Leading From The Hot Seat: How To Communicate Under PressureConnect:Email Questions & Feedback >>> hello@fastersmarter.ioEpisode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart WebsiteNewsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.ioThink Fast Talk Smart >>> LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTubeMatt Abrahams >>> LinkedInChapters:(00:00) - Introduction (02:22) - What Makes a Good Story? (03:15) - Bringing Emotion into Communication (03:51) - Storytelling Across Professions (05:55) - Crafting an Effective Story (07:41) - Uniqueness in Storytelling (08:44) - Balancing Creativity and Business (10:13) - Managing Conflict with Connection (12:02) - Screen Time and Family (13:42) - Navigating Industry Change (16:02) - The Final Three Questions (22:27) - Conclusion Be the first to hear about TFTS Premium -> Sign up for our email
Veröffentlicht am: 01.11.2024
Good stories win in business and life.Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners."Good stories win," says Small, who leads one of the world's most renowned independent film and television companies alongside Steven Spielberg. As both a business leader and storytelling expert, Small knows th...
Good stories win in business and life.Every business meeting, product launch, or marketing communication has something in common with your favorite movie: they all succeed or fail based on their ability to make you feel something. Just ask Jeff Small, CEO of Amblin Partners."Good stories win," says Small, who leads one of the world's most renowned independent film and television companies alongside Steven Spielberg. As both a business leader and storytelling expert, Small knows that successful communication is built on person-to-person connection through the power of story. "Whatever walk of life you're in, you have to be able to tell a story to connect with people, to get across the message that you're trying to get across."In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Small joins host Matt Abrahams to share insights from his experience at the intersection of creativity and commerce, unpacking how effective storytelling can transform your communication, whether leading teams through industry disruption, resolving conflicts at work and at home, or creating films to inspire audiences for generations to come.Episode Reference Links:Jeff SmallEp.153 Listen Up, Leaders: A Record-Setting Coach’s Guide to CommunicationEp.35 Leading From The Hot Seat: How To Communicate Under PressureConnect:Email Questions & Feedback >>> hello@fastersmarter.ioEpisode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart WebsiteNewsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.ioThink Fast Talk Smart >>> LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTubeMatt Abrahams >>> LinkedInChapters:(00:00) - Introduction (01:13) - What Makes a Good Story? (02:06) - Bringing Emotion into Communication (02:42) - Storytelling Across Professions (04:46) - Crafting an Effective Story (06:32) - Uniqueness in Storytelling (07:35) - Balancing Creativity and Business (09:04) - Managing Conflict with Connection (10:53) - Screen Time and Family (12:33) - Navigating Industry Change (14:53) - The Final Three Questions (21:18) - Conclusion
166. Why Relying on Talent Alone Will Fail You
Veröffentlicht am: 29.10.2024
Why practice is the key to success.If there’s anyone who knows about performing under pressure, it’s former NFL quarterback Andrew Luck. Whether playing in front of thousands or presenting to ten, his key to success is practice."There's a romantic notion that you rise to the occasion," says Luck, a Stanford graduate and four-time Pro Bowl selection. "But I think you settle to the level of your training. We practiced those high-pressure situations all the time.” From cal...
Why practice is the key to success.If there’s anyone who knows about performing under pressure, it’s former NFL quarterback Andrew Luck. Whether playing in front of thousands or presenting to ten, his key to success is practice."There's a romantic notion that you rise to the occasion," says Luck, a Stanford graduate and four-time Pro Bowl selection. "But I think you settle to the level of your training. We practiced those high-pressure situations all the time.” From calling critical game-winning plays to navigating communication off the field, our performance in high-stakes situations, Luck maintains, is determined by our level of preparation.In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Luck and host Matt Abrahams explore how deliberate practice can help us hone our performance across all domains of our lives. From managing high-pressure situations to building psychological safety in homes and workplaces, Luck shares insights gained from both sides of the field — as a player and now as a coach.Episode Reference Links:Andrew LuckEp.153 Listen Up, Leaders: A Record-Setting Coach’s Guide to Communication Connect:Email Questions & Feedback >>> hello@fastersmarter.ioEpisode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart WebsiteNewsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.ioThink Fast Talk Smart >>> LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTubeMatt Abrahams >>> LinkedInChapters:(00:00) - Introduction (01:53) - Communication in High-Stress Situations (04:03) - Staying Calm Under Pressure (06:33) - Earning Leadership Through Respect (07:56) - Overcoming Conflict Aversion (09:03) - Decision to Retire from the NFL (11:10) - Returning to Education (12:48) - Life Lessons Through Coaching (15:09) - The Final Three Questions (18:17) - Conclusion