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Der Short Wave Podcast
"Short Wave" ist ein faszinierender Podcast, der die Welt der Wissenschaft auf eine zugängliche und spannende Weise erkundet. In jeder Episode nehmen die Gastgeberinnen Emily Kwong und Regina Barber die Zuhörer mit auf eine Reise durch neue Entdeckungen und alltägliche Rätsel, die die Schlagzeilen prägen. Mit einer Länge von unter 15 Minuten bieten die Episoden eine kompakte und dennoch tiefgründige Betrachtung aktueller wissenschaftlicher Themen.
Der Podcast richtet sich an alle, die sich für die Wunder der Wissenschaft interessieren, unabhängig von ihrem Vorwissen. Emily und Regina schaffen es, komplexe Themen mit Kreativität und einer Prise Humor verständlich zu machen. Dabei decken sie ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, von bahnbrechenden Forschungsergebnissen über faszinierende Naturphänomene bis hin zu den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen alltäglicher Ereignisse.
"Short Wave" ist mehr als nur ein Informationskanal – es ist eine Einladung, die Welt durch die Linse der Wissenschaft neu zu entdecken. Ob beim morgendlichen Kaffee, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder beim Entspannen zu Hause, dieser Podcast bietet eine erfrischende Perspektive auf die Welt um uns herum und lädt dazu ein, Neues zu lernen und zu staunen.
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Letzte Episoden:
A Better Life For Trafficked Turtles
Veröffentlicht am: 06.11.2024
In North-Central New Jersey, there is a backyard teeming with around 200 turtles. Many of these shelled creatures have been rescued from the smuggling trade and are now being nursed back to health in order to hopefully be returned to the wild. Science reporter Ari Daniel joins host Regina G. Barber to tell the story behind one man's efforts to care for these turtles and to ensure they have a chance at another (better) life. Read more of Ari's reporting.Have an idea for a future episod...
In North-Central New Jersey, there is a backyard teeming with around 200 turtles. Many of these shelled creatures have been rescued from the smuggling trade and are now being nursed back to health in order to hopefully be returned to the wild. Science reporter Ari Daniel joins host Regina G. Barber to tell the story behind one man's efforts to care for these turtles and to ensure they have a chance at another (better) life. Read more of Ari's reporting.Have an idea for a future episode? We'd love to know — email us at! Listen to every episode of Short Wave sponsor-free and support our work at NPR by signing up for Short Wave+ at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Elections Are One Big Math Problem
Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2024
It's Election Day in the United States. Across the nation, millions of ballots are being cast. But what would happen if the rules of our electoral system were changed? Certain states are about to find out. This year, several places have alternative voting systems up for consideration on their ballots, and those systems could set an example for voting reform throughout the rest of the country. Short Wave producer Hannah Chinn and host Emily Kwong dive into three voting methods that are repre...
It's Election Day in the United States. Across the nation, millions of ballots are being cast. But what would happen if the rules of our electoral system were changed? Certain states are about to find out. This year, several places have alternative voting systems up for consideration on their ballots, and those systems could set an example for voting reform throughout the rest of the country. Short Wave producer Hannah Chinn and host Emily Kwong dive into three voting methods that are representative of those systems: Where they've been implemented, how they work, and what they might mean for elections in the future. What to hear more about the math powering our lives? Email us at and we might cover your idea on a future episode! Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Did Life Start In Hydrothermal Vents?
Veröffentlicht am: 04.11.2024
How did life start on Earth? The answer is a big scientific mystery scientists are actively investigating. After talking with many scientists, host Regina G. Barber found that an abundance of water on Earth is most likely key, in some way, to the origin of life — specifically, in either deep sea hydrothermal vents or in tide pools. It's for this reason some scientists are also exploring the potential for life in so-called "water worlds" elsewhere in the solar system, like some o...
How did life start on Earth? The answer is a big scientific mystery scientists are actively investigating. After talking with many scientists, host Regina G. Barber found that an abundance of water on Earth is most likely key, in some way, to the origin of life — specifically, in either deep sea hydrothermal vents or in tide pools. It's for this reason some scientists are also exploring the potential for life in so-called "water worlds" elsewhere in the solar system, like some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. This episode, Regina digs into two water-related hypotheses for the origin on life on Earth — and what that might mean for possible alien life. Have another scientific mystery you want us to cover on a future episode? Email us at — we might feature your idea on a future episode!Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy