Heart Wisdom with Jack Kornfield Zusammenfassung
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Der Heart Wisdom with Jack Kornfield Podcast
Der Podcast "Heart Wisdom with Jack Kornfield" lädt Hörerinnen und Hörer dazu ein, in die tiefgründige und inspirierende Welt der Weisheit und Spiritualität einzutauchen. Jack Kornfield, ein renommierter buddhistischer Lehrer, vereint in diesem Podcast seine langjährige Erfahrung in der buddhistischen Praxis mit Elementen anderer mystischer Traditionen. Diese einzigartige Verbindung eröffnet neue Perspektiven auf die Herausforderungen und Widersprüche des Lebens.
In jeder Episode enthüllt Jack Kornfield die berührenden und oft unerwarteten Lektionen, die in den alltäglichen Problemen und Freuden verborgen liegen. Er bietet einen Weg an, der zu innerer Freiheit führt, indem er zeigt, wie man sich von Selbstbezogenheit, Selbstverurteilung und Unglücklichsein lösen kann. Jack Kornfields erzählerisches Talent und seine einfühlsame Art machen komplexe spirituelle Konzepte zugänglich und nachvollziehbar.
Der Podcast ist eine Einladung zur Reflexion und Selbsterkenntnis, ideal für jene, die nach tieferem Verständnis und Frieden suchen. Neue Hörerinnen und Hörer werden von der Warmherzigkeit und Weisheit, die Jack Kornfield in jede Folge einbringt, gleichermaßen inspiriert und beruhigt sein. "Heart Wisdom with Jack Kornfield" ist mehr als nur ein Podcast; es ist eine Reise zu einem erfüllteren und ausgeglicheneren Leben.
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Letzte Episoden:
Ep. 264 – Right Attitude, Wise Aspiration, Mindful Thought
Veröffentlicht am: 20.11.2024
Helping us reflect on our daily habits and feelings, Jack shares how Right Attitude, Wise Aspiration, and Mindful Thought allow us to uncover the sweet joy of living in The Way.This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.“With Wise Attitude we begin to discover the power of kindness, the joy in not grasping, the delight in generosity, the ease in letting go, and the immediacy of freedom and li...
Helping us reflect on our daily habits and feelings, Jack shares how Right Attitude, Wise Aspiration, and Mindful Thought allow us to uncover the sweet joy of living in The Way.This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.“With Wise Attitude we begin to discover the power of kindness, the joy in not grasping, the delight in generosity, the ease in letting go, and the immediacy of freedom and liberation that is here in every moment.” – Jack KornfieldExploring the second step of the Eightfold Path, Jack mindfully shares on:Right Attitude, Wise Thought, the second step on the Eightfold PathSeeing directly the true power of mind and heartOvercoming habitual patterns of thought, action, and attitudeThe Buddha on nobility, integrity, and the heartOvercoming greed, hatred, and delusionKnowing the sweet joy of living in The WayWise Aspiration and the path of the BodhisattvaReflecting on our attitude around deathRumi, Stephen Levine, Martin Luther King Jr, Suzuki Roshi, and Alan WattsTaking what life gives us as “grist for the mill” of awakeningExamining spiritual teachings in our own life (what works, what doesn’t?)Trading ‘protection and defensiveness’ for ‘openness and curiosity’Accepting each moment as an unrepeatable miracleBeginner’s Mind and Don’t Know MindOpenness, respect, and compassion“It is knowing what is true that brings ourselves freedom. We don’t get free by making ourselves free.” – Jack Kornfield“It is only through mercy, through the kindness of compassion, that reconciliation happens, that what’s locked in suffering begins to grow and breathe new life.” – Jack KornfieldThis Dharma Talk recorded in 1992 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Ep. 263 – Wise Understanding and the Wisdom of Insecurity
Veröffentlicht am: 12.11.2024
Intersecting the Buddha’s ‘Wise Understanding’ with Alan Watt’s ‘Wisdom of Insecurity,’ Jack illuminates the path of discovering lasting happiness.For an even deeper dive down the Eightfold Path, sign up for Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield, an online course designed to guide you through the wisdom, compassion, and freedom of Buddha’s teachings. Learn more and sign up here.“Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it’s discovering wha...
Intersecting the Buddha’s ‘Wise Understanding’ with Alan Watt’s ‘Wisdom of Insecurity,’ Jack illuminates the path of discovering lasting happiness.For an even deeper dive down the Eightfold Path, sign up for Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield, an online course designed to guide you through the wisdom, compassion, and freedom of Buddha’s teachings. Learn more and sign up here.“Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it’s discovering what Alan Watts called, ‘the wisdom of insecurity,’ the capacity for freedom and compassion of heart, no matter what the circumstances. Right Understanding is a willingness to dedicate ourself to awakening, no matter how conditions change.” – Jack KornfieldExploring the first step of the Eightfold Path, Jack mindfully shares on:The Buddha, Enlightenment, the Eightfold Path, and Four Noble TruthsHow to live a wise, mindful, happy, and loving lifeThe Middle Path as the pathway to freedomWise Understanding, the first step on the Eightfold PathSuffering, it’s causes, and how to alleviate itWhere happiness actually comes fromWorking with clinging, grasping, aging, aversion, fearImpermanence, change, and the wisdom of insecuritySpiritual Direction and the journey of the soulThe seed of awakening your Buddha NatureUnderstanding the Law of KarmaFinding nirvana through our current circumstancesHaving compassion for what puts us to sleepTending your heart to tend the whole world“Buddha saw that the cause of happiness and the cause of suffering is not so much in life itself, but in the way that we relate to life.” – Jack Kornfield“Right understanding tells us that we can dedicate our life to something beautiful.” – Jack KornfieldThis Dharma Talk recorded in 1992 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Ep. 262 – The Liberated Heart: Shifting From Trauma to Loving Awareness with Thomas Hübl, PhD
Veröffentlicht am: 05.11.2024
Discover how to shift from trauma to loving awareness through mindfulness, conscious healing, and compassionate activism with Jack Kornfield and Thomas Hübl, PhD.This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.“Who you are is so much more than your trauma, you are consciousness itself.” – Jack KornfieldIn Part 2 of this episode originally airing for The Collective Trauma Summit in 2021, Jack ...
Discover how to shift from trauma to loving awareness through mindfulness, conscious healing, and compassionate activism with Jack Kornfield and Thomas Hübl, PhD.This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.“Who you are is so much more than your trauma, you are consciousness itself.” – Jack KornfieldIn Part 2 of this episode originally airing for The Collective Trauma Summit in 2021, Jack and Thomas mindfully explore:Developing the skills to heal our traumaJack’s time with meditation master, Maha GhosanandaThe powerful connection between activism and spiritualityAvoiding burnout, finding balanceTransforming from skeptical to mysticalNavigating the traumas in the Middle EastDigesting our traumasWaking up from auto-pilotExpanding your window of toleranceHow to face racism, war, economic disparity, the environment, etcMindfulness, consciousness, and loving awareness“The whole notion that spiritual practice doesn’t have anything to do with activism is a fiction.” – Jack Kornfield“Every breath you take is the breath of the starlings and the breath of the earthworms and the soil. We’re all inter-breathing it together. That’s how it works, that’s what life is.” – Jack KornfieldAbout Thomas Hübl, PhD:Thomas Hübl, PhD, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change, integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since the early 2000s, he has led large-scale events and courses on the healing of collective trauma.He is the author of Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World and Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds. He has served as an advisor and guest faculty for universities and organizations, as a coach for CEOs and organizational leaders, and is currently a visiting scholar at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University. For more info, books, podcast, and upcoming offerings, please visit thomashuebl.comOpen the Heart of Forgiveness with Jack Kornfield: A Journey of Redemption, Reconciliation and Renewal. Learn more and sign up!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.