Going Big! with Kevin Gentry Zusammenfassung
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Der Going Big! with Kevin Gentry Podcast
"Going Big! with Kevin Gentry" ist ein inspirierender Podcast, der sich tiefgründig mit der Welt des Marketings und Fundraisings auseinandersetzt. Gehostet von Kevin Gentry, bietet jede Folge eine faszinierende Begegnung mit einflussreichen Führungspersönlichkeiten, visionären CEOs und innovativen Köpfen aus dem Non-Profit-Sektor. Der Podcast ist eine Schatzkammer an wertvollen Strategien und Erkenntnissen, die darauf abzielen, außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
In "Going Big!" taucht Kevin Gentry mit seinen Gästen in die Kunst des Grenzensprengens und Normenherausforderns ein. Die Gespräche beleuchten, wie man in Organisationen und Gemeinschaften einen signifikanten Beitrag leisten kann. Ob langjähriger Führungskraft, aufstrebender Veränderer oder einfach jemand, der sich leidenschaftlich für positive Veränderungen einsetzt – dieser Podcast bietet wertvolle Einblicke und Inspirationen, um Führungskompetenzen zu stärken und den Erfolg von Organisationen zu maximieren.
Kevin Gentry und seine Gäste decken ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, darunter innovative Marketingstrategien, effektive Fundraising-Techniken und die Entwicklung einer starken Führungskultur. Die Zuhörer werden ermutigt, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und neue Wege zu entdecken, um ihre Visionen zu verwirklichen.
"Going Big! with Kevin Gentry" ist die ideale Quelle für alle, die lernen möchten, wie sie ihre Führung auf das nächste Level heben und einen bleibenden Unterschied in ihrer Umgebung machen können. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie groß denken und handeln können, um nachhaltige Erfolge zu erzielen.
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Letzte Episoden:
Nostalgia as a Force for Good with Dr. Clay Routledge
Veröffentlicht am: 18.11.2024
In this insightful episode of the Going Big! Podcast, Kevin Gentry is joined by Dr. Clay Routledge, an existential psychologist and Vice President of Research at the Archbridge Institute. Together, they delve into how nostalgia can serve as a powerful tool for nonprofits to inspire donors and elevate end-of-year giving campaigns. Dr. Routledge, a leading expert on human flourishing, shares practical strategies for leveraging nostalgia’s emotional impact to foster meaningful connections and dr...
In this insightful episode of the Going Big! Podcast, Kevin Gentry is joined by Dr. Clay Routledge, an existential psychologist and Vice President of Research at the Archbridge Institute. Together, they delve into how nostalgia can serve as a powerful tool for nonprofits to inspire donors and elevate end-of-year giving campaigns. Dr. Routledge, a leading expert on human flourishing, shares practical strategies for leveraging nostalgia’s emotional impact to foster meaningful connections and drive transformative fundraising results. Don’t miss this engaging discussion on how nostalgia can truly be a force for good. Check Dr. Clay Routledge’s work out here: https://www.clayroutledge.com/ Check out TenX Strategies here: https://tenxstrategies.com/
A Biblical Look at Giving: Stewardship & Generosity with Jim Sheppard and Dr. R. Mark Dillon
Veröffentlicht am: 11.11.2024
In this episode of the Going Big! Podcast host Kevin Gentry dives into the transformative power of biblical stewardship with Jim Sheppard, CEO of Generis, and Dr. R. Mark Dillon, Executive VP at Generis. Together, they unpack a biblical understanding of generosity, offering practical insights on building a culture of giving within churches and faith-based nonprofits. From their personal journeys of faith to the impactful work they do empowering ministries, Jim and Mark share their experiences a...
In this episode of the Going Big! Podcast host Kevin Gentry dives into the transformative power of biblical stewardship with Jim Sheppard, CEO of Generis, and Dr. R. Mark Dillon, Executive VP at Generis. Together, they unpack a biblical understanding of generosity, offering practical insights on building a culture of giving within churches and faith-based nonprofits. From their personal journeys of faith to the impactful work they do empowering ministries, Jim and Mark share their experiences and strategies for nurturing a spirit of generosity that supports mission-driven goals and lasting impact. Check out Generis here: https://generis.com/ Check out TenX Strategies here: https://tenxstrategies.com/
Daniel Garza’s American Dream Story
Veröffentlicht am: 04.11.2024
On this episode of the Going Big! Podcast, Kevin Gentry hosts Daniel Garza, Founding President of The LIBRE Initiative, to share his inspiring American Dream story. Born in California’s Central Valley, Daniel grew up as a migrant farm worker, following seasonal crops across multiple states. His remarkable journey from humble beginnings to public service includes roles as a congressional staff assistant, city councilman, and serving in the George W. Bush Administration. With a career that span...
On this episode of the Going Big! Podcast, Kevin Gentry hosts Daniel Garza, Founding President of The LIBRE Initiative, to share his inspiring American Dream story. Born in California’s Central Valley, Daniel grew up as a migrant farm worker, following seasonal crops across multiple states. His remarkable journey from humble beginnings to public service includes roles as a congressional staff assistant, city councilman, and serving in the George W. Bush Administration. With a career that spans hosting a Spanish-language news show on Univision to being recognized as one of Washington, D.C.’s most influential voices, Daniel’s story is a testament to dedication, leadership, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Check out Daniel Garza here: https://thelibreinitiative.com/team/daniel-garza/ Check out TenX Strategies here: https://thelibreinitiative.com/team/daniel-garza/